Veronica Jane Williams
Disclaimer: Voyager belongs to Paramount. I borrowed its commanding officers and took them for a spin on the holodeck.
Rating: NC-17
Better pass this story by if you are under 18, or not disposed to reading material with a high sexual content, between consenting adults.
He stood in front of her, and trapped her hands behind her back. His face very close to hers. He looked into her blue-grey eyes, then brought up his hand to stroke the row of pips on her collar.
"Chakotay, what - "
"Shhh...easy now Kathryn, I don't want to hurt you," he whispered, his mouth almost against her own lips. She could feel his breath fanning her mouth, wanting to move against him. She tried.
"Damn..." she muttered.
"Careful now, sweet Kate," as he secured her hands behind the tree, the trunk thin enough that her hands almost touched again behind it.
"You don't want to ruin a perfect shot now, do you?"
"Chakotay, I swear I'll get you for this," she said, unable to move, feeling her body swirling with a mass of erotic tingles as he moved in, held her head and kissed her. Long and lingeringly. She felt his arousal. But he was unconcerned. She opened her mouth under his, wanted to push her tongue into his mouth, feel his tongue move over her teeth, tasting hers... She was flushed and hot. He broke off suddenly.
"Damn you, Chakotay."
"Kathryn, you promised me I could do this. Indulge me. After this, I get to be Captain, remember?"
How could she forget?
"Why don't you put an apple on my head and then you phaser it off," she challenged him after he told her he would never perform before an audience.
Now she was tied to the tree. Unable to move much, her hands were secured so tightly.
"I promise you..."
"What, Kathryn? That delectable body of yours?" he asked as his large hands cupped her one breast, kneading it, watching with satisfaction the desire flash in her eyes, and her breathing becoming shallow. His fingers rubbed her nipples through her uniform, despite the turtleneck she wore under the jacket. Until they stood stiff, two little pert peaks he could see.
"I already have it, right here," he murmured as he pulled the jacket away, his mouth captured her nipple through the fabric of the turtleneck and for a second sucked hard at it. She groaned her pleasure.
"I'll kill you..."
"Not a chance," he said, as he stepped back. "It's payback time for leaving me stranded and naked in the holodeck two weeks ago. And for half the morning."
"But Commander, you asked for it," she said innocently. "How was I to know you were going to show Sandrine's and all her holohussies how well endowed you were?"
"How was I to know you devious little Cat, you'd beam yourself and my clothes out, leaving me there?"
"Now come on Chakotay," she said, struggling a little with the restraints, "you did get it back, didn't you?"
"Not after I begged you to beam it back in, Captain."
"After I threatened to walk the corridors naked and tell the crew you had your wicked way with me..."
"It was fun, wasn't it?" she tried to appease.
"Not as much fun as I'm going to have, sweet Cat. Now don't move," he commanded as he balanced the large red apple on her head.
"Hold still, or I shall have to kill you..." he said again as the apple rested precariously on her head.
"Close your eyes, Captain..." he said as he held the phaser so she could see it. Then he stepped back. Fifteen paces. He had the phaser in his hand.
Kathryn waited for some minutes. Long minutes in which she itched to open her eyes. But she was as fired up a he was.
"I'm going to open my eyes, Chakotay..."
"Not till I tell you, Kathryn."
Her heart was suddenly pounding. This may be the holodeck and the -
"Are the safeties on, Chakotay?" she asked rather belatedly.
"No..." Her eyes flew open. She almost dislodged the apple as she looked at him.
"Oh no..." she said, "Chakotay, don't you dare..."
For Kathryn Janeway looked at a stark naked Chakotay, who stood with the most lethal looking crossbow settled against his shoulder. She didn't know what was more dangerous: the crossbow or his erect penis.
And boy, could they shoot.
"You did challenge me, Kathryn," he said as he put the crossbow down, secured his feet in it and drew the bowstring back into the nut. Then he loaded the arrow. He raised the bow, it's rifle stock tight against his right shoulder, the strings now lying horizontally. Then he aimed, for her head. Or the apple on her head. Chakotay enjoyed the look of panic in her eyes. But also noticed her looking at his nether region, her eyes now clearly lusting. He was certain she didn't know if she should be scared out of her wits, or flushed with lust.
"You didn't expect this, did you?" He smiled, his eyes crinkling with sadistic enjoyment.
She was unable to smile, thinking of the safeties that were off.
"Smile Captain", he said wickedly, "after this, your life is mine."
Then he pulled the trigger and the arrow was released, and almost as if in slow motion, the arrow moved from its bow, towards her. She watched in fascination as it came right at her. She screamed as it reached her. It was so fast her brain could only register it as a wisp of a thought.
All she knew of the next nanoseconds was seeing an explosion of stars that pounded her brain. She must have passed out.
Her awareness of her surroundings rudely awakened as she felt a pair of large hands slipping her pants and panty over her hips. Felt same hands grab her derriere and lift her against the tree, part her legs. Hands pushed pants and panty over the restraining feet. Hands bringing legs around hips of said owner of those hands.
Then the glorious sting as she felt Chakotay sank his shaft deep into her. She was hot, ready and wet. Only then she opened her eyes, saw his face close to hers. He moved, and pounded into her, for long minutes, grunting. She gasped as he pumped her. She found a rhythm and arched against him in frenzied greed. She closed her eyes. Her back burning as she was pushed against the tree trunk with every thrust. She knew she was finished as she experienced a blinding orgasm, her head suddenly filled with the shock of a thousand flashing stars. She spun into dizziness.
"You passed out, Kathryn. Again." She heard Chakotay's voice from a long way off. And he was...
Laughing. Loudly.
"Oh, God..."
"Now, Kathryn..." came his voice with a warning.
She opened her eyes at last, looked at his flushed face, then at the floor. Where along with her discarded pants, and torn panty, two perfect halves of the apple lay at her feet.
"My turn, next time... Mr Tell," she said weakly.
How did you like this fluff? Let me know!
Star Trek: Voyager, Captain Janeway, Chakotay, Paris, Torres, the EMH, and other characters of the series, etc. are the property of Paramount Pictures. Other characters created by the author, will remain the author's property. All photos/images are copyright of Paramount Pictures, 1998, 1999, No infringement upon their trademarks or copyrights were intended. All stories are my own property, that Paramount or anyone else doesn't own. The stories and displaying of pics are intended for entertaining purposes only and not for any financial gain.
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