Disclaimers, ratings and warnings are in Part 1.
B'Elanna Torres was not a happy camper. She fumed, mumbled, railed, but nothing could make the items she carried in her hands, disappear. The Boss would have her hide just like he did Captain Janeway if she tried anything.
She could still feel the lash of the belt against her cheek. She had done nothing to have it tended to and didn't care if stained her face forever. At least she would have something of the Boss on her. She avoided the rest of the gang in the mess hall, kept to her bridge and engineering duties and saw to it that her engines were running at optimal efficiency, whatever that meant for the Liberty. This time it was Gerron who was piloting the Liberty on their way to Alkorea. Paris was busy fucking Harry Kim's brains out with the help of Dalby, Ayala and a few others.
She wanted to avoid Paris. The man irritated her no end, and knew just where to hit where it hurt.
"I hear the Boss has a new fuck. Care to tell me about it?"
And that had been even before Chakotay had dragged her along to the medical bay to collect his latest fuck. Janeway had been quiet as they marched her to his cabin, had spoken once which caused her to laugh her head off. Chakotay had given her one look and that shut her up effectively. After that she did what she did best: assist the captain of the Liberty to violate the prisoner any which way. She had mastered the art, working mostly to get his attention too. Last week he finally paid her by sweeping her up in his arms and throwing her down on his bunk. She had been overjoyed beyond her wildest imagination. The man had never been inside her, and that night she thought he'd make her his forever. She had tried to soften him, and to make the sex something tender, like making love.
She was sometimes so damned naive.
There was no such thing as making love in Chakotay's contract. She didn't think he knew what that was. But it was good enough for her. They had time, lots of it, and every now and then in a future with him on the Liberty when he was going to shove his cock up her ass, or her mouth, or her pussy , she was gradually going to break his resolve so that one day he would succumb and love her the way she loved him. She had given everything and more the night he had her in his bed, spreading as wide as she could for him, her body on fire as she tried to bond with him.
But no, she realised, inside Chakotay's head not a living soul in the Badlands could make a home. And if she couldn't get under his skin, she was going to make sure no one else would.
He had chased her out of his cabin for the first time. Janeway got to him. That's what happened. He wanted her for himself. It was as plain as the light of the two moons of Alkorea, their base. He wanted Janeway for himself. He never actually said it in the way he could be imperious with the other prisoners, saying "this week she's mine, after that you can have her." Then he'd violate the poor prisoner for hours before letting her into the corridors where the boys picked her up. He was very clear on his tastes, and he quickly, very quickly dispatched a woman when he'd had enough.
Now, Janeway.
Torres fumed some more as she approached the medical bay. She had a feeling the captain of Voyager was getting under Chakotay's skin. She had seen his eyes, furtively dared to look at him before his belt lashed in her direction too. Yes, his eyes had given him away, though he tried to shutter them. It seemed he could lick the skin of Janeway's entire body, so hooked he was. And that only minutes after she was pushed into his cabin.
"I hate her already..." she muttered under her breath.
In her hands she held the clothes Chakotay had ordered her to bring to Janeway.
What could she do? He had replicated a full set of clothes, down to underwear, for Janeway. If she thought that Chakotay used her size as a guide, she was mistaken. She had arrived after he barked his order that she come to his cabin. Thinking that he wanted to have some fun and games in his bed, she rushed to his quarters, out of breath when she got there. Chakotay had stood there with the clothes neatly displayed on his bed and he had taken extra care in folding them and handing them to her.
"Make sure she gets it, Torres, or there'll be hell to pay. I'm watching you..."
"But - but..."
"But nothing, Torres. No questions. Whose rules do you follow here?"
When she said nothing, he grabbed her hair and pulled her closer so that she could see the pupils of his eyes. They were blazing.
"What do you say?"
"Yours, Boss. Sorry, Boss."
"Good, now get your sorry ass out of here and take the clothes to sickbay."
Torres drew in a deep breath as the sick bay doors opened. Her gaze fell on Janeway, now sitting up on the biobed, the bed cover wrapped round her.
doesn't fear me...
That was the thought that flew about in her head. Torres had barely taken in the presence of the others in the room - the Vulcan, the doctor, the two comatose prisoners whom she was dead certain the doctor kept that in that state deliberately.
She walked up to Janeway. Her hair, golden blonde, fell about her face.
can say what you like, but I was in your pussy...
It was a prurient thought designed to put the woman in her place - an object to be used by the men on the Liberty. But it did nothing, nothing in Torres's mind to push out the woman's obvious class. And so it fanned her anger.
She threw the clothes on the biobed.
"There. The Boss wants you to dress up for him."
Janeway stared at her. Then she smiled.
"Thank you, B'Elanna."
Blinded by the woman's reaction Torres stepped forward, ignored Chakotay's command to leave the prisoner alone.
"He'll use you..." she said sullenly.
he uses you?" The voice was soft, the question sounding not like a
question, but a statement, as if Janeway knew she was damned right. Torres
remembered that Paris looked at her the same way and told her the same thing - Chakotay
is using you...
She saw red. She was blind. She couldn't touch this woman, because Chakotay would find out anyway.
Then she spat in Janeway's face.
Without looking back, Torres strode out of the medical bay.
Still angry, she made her way to Paris's quarters. She had no taste for Dickson who waited like a beggar in her cabin. She was just so mad as she entered Tom's cabin without announcing her presence.
"He's got the hots for her, Paris," she said while Tom was lodged firmly against the Oriental's ass and Dalby was working Harry's mouth. Paris looked at her without actually pausing, continuing to ram his poker into Harry in deliberately even, though strong strokes.
"That's your problem, Torres. Told you not to fall for the Boss."
"He just pushed me out."
"Come, on, Torres. What do you expect me to do? Janeway can go to hell for all I care and if that is with the Boss's dick up her sweet little cunny, so be it - "
"You don't understand, dammit!"
"I understand only too well. I know Janeway. She was my Dad's little pussy girl, didn't you know?"
"Seemed to me he couldn't stay out of her panties, just like Daddy couldn't stay out of her mother's panties..." Tom paused this time, gave Harry an almighty wallop on the left buttock. "Be still, Harry. I'm not done. Here, let me get you up again, honey..." And with that Tom stroked the ensign's cock until it swelled to ramrod thickness. All they could hear from Harry was an unintelligible moan.
"There...there now...see how lovely you've grown, darling?" Tom said, all the time moving rhythmically in and out of Harry's anus. "God, I love a good fuck..." he murmured, throwing his head back and enjoying the action.
Harry's erect cock was an invitation, a flag waved at a mad bull. B'Elanna's cunt felt thick and moist. She was itching like hell, maybe to drive out some of her anger at Chakotay. She stripped right there and slid under Harry's belly. Once she lay with his cock primed just above her pussy, Tom dropped him, and Harry sailed deep into her cunt as if he belonged there. Tom's arms braced them as he kept the weight off her, maintaining his position over Harry's back, pushing him into slow motion against Torres.
"Now, Harry, honey, ride our little B'Elanna for us, will you? She's in need of a fuck."
And Harry, his mouth free of Dalby shaft, the cum dripping from the side of his mouth, murmured,"Yes, yes..."
He rode Torres until he was spent, while Tom finally prepared to climax, crowing loudly as he spilled into Harry. He lay like that, over Harry and B'Elanna.
"Sorry, Torres, am I too heavy for you?" he said with a smirk as he pulled out of Harry. Like most of the men on the Liberty, Tom was completely unaware of his nudity. They were almost always naked in their cabins.
"Now, Torres, what was it you said about Janeway?"
"She's going to sleep with the Boss."
"Sleep with, as in becoming his lover?"
"And you're jealous."
"Hell, no!"
"Hell, yes! Come on, Torres, 'fess up. The man you wanted wants the Captain of Voyager. He's not concerned with the small fry such as you are. She's a big fish. A very beautiful big fish. My Daddy liked her."
"Yeah, you said that. Was she his lover too?"
"Maybe, maybe not."
"I think there's more to Janeway and you than meets the eye, Tom Paris."
"I think if I ratted on you, Chakotay would kill you. Now, you've had your little pleasure. Get out."
"Fuck you, Paris. And fuck Janeway."
"Sorry, Torres, but you know my tastes."
Tom swatted Harry's ass possessively. He turned Harry on his back, lay next to him and started kissing the ensign, his tongue flicking Harry's lips until they opened and Tom slid his tongue into his lover's waiting mouth.
Torres, realising she wasn't going to get anything out of Tom now, cursed, then left the cabin.