Just another day
a short story by
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters.
Summary: It's just another day on board Voyager for the Captain and the First Officer.
"Thanks, Harry," Chakotay said as he took his place the Ops. Chief had just vacated. "Anything dramatic happened?"
"It was a quiet night, Commander," Harry replied. To Chakotay the ensign look petulant. "Nothing much happening in Gamma shift..."
"It's a good sign, Harry. Who knows? We might have a good day today," Chakotay responded as he glanced at the console, checking Harry's early morning report.
"Thanks, Commander."
"For what?"
"You're two hours early for your shift."
"No matter," Chakotay said stiffly. "Go, have a good rest before I change my mind."
Harry wasted little time in vanishing from the bridge. Tuvok would be relieved in an hour's time and Tom would come on duty at 0700. The morning seemed to start well. He sat back in his chair, satisfied that young Ensign Bornmann was handling the piloting well. Lately she had been trained to pilot Voyager as part of their programme of multi-tasking. He had himself done a stint in the airponics bay and Kathryn had been working in stellar cartography.
Chakotay had hardly settled back in the command chair when the console
beeped. The face of the EMH filled the screen.
"Commander, Captain Janeway is due for her medical at 1900
"Isn't it a bit too early in the morning to tell me that?"
"You are to remind her to come to sickbay. Carry her down here if
you must."
Chakotay gave a low chuckle. Kathryn hated medicals and he was always
slightly harassed after going two rounds with Kathryn just to get her to go.
"Doc, you know I'll be doing that on pain of death. A death
"Fine. Do it. Just get her here. She's the head of this family, the
leader of her people, the captain of her vessel, the - "
"I get it. She'll be there. You have my word."
"And Commander..."
"What is it now?"
"You are due at 1500."
"I'm in good health."
The EMH snorted before the screen went blank. A minute later his face
appeared again. This time Chakotay sighed.
"I told you you have my word, Doc."
"I don't trust you, Commander. You're capable of conspiring with
her and then I'll never be able to update her medical status, and yours."
Chakotay blinked, hoped that the bridge crew didn't hear the doctor's
"I'll tell you what. The moment Captain Janeway comes on duty, I'll
tell her you've ordered her to be there. I'll send her this morning, at
"Are you trying to get rid of me?"
"No. But I promise to do what I can."
When the screen went blank again, Chakotay gave a sigh of relief.
Hopefully the Doctor wouldn't call him again. The next two hours he was
kept busy. An interview with an irate crewman who wanted to have his shifts
rescheduled was held in the ready room.
"He could play that damned trumpet all night. Deal with it, Hendry.
I need you on that shift."
"But Commander!"
"That will be all, Crewman."
Hendry had walked away in a huff, but respected his superior's position.
They were approaching a nebula through which they'd have to pass if they were to
take a short cut and save themselves a month. He wasn't entirely happy that
they'd have to go through, but Kathryn had been adamant, and her bullishness had
resulted in an argument in her ready room. They had squared off, but in the end
he had relented.
By the time he was back on the bridge after dealing with Hendry, he was
ready to snap at anyone. Sleep was in short supply and a whole day loomed ahead
of him. He wasn't looking forward to any confrontation with Kathryn. Yet he knew
that, like the rest of the crew, she was as under doctor's orders as they were
when it came to medicals.
When Kathryn appeared on the bridge, her presence announced by the firm
voice of Magnus Rollins, Chakotay shifted to his own chair.
"Good morning, Commander."
He looked at Kathryn. Biting back a retort and counting to ten before
feeling he could tackle her, Chakotay leaned to her side.
"Did you forego breakfast again this morning, Captain?"
Kathryn had her eyes on the main viewscreen, but she managed a little
"You know me too well, Commander."
"After seven years, I can tell. So what was it this morning? Half a
cup of black coffee?"
How could he remain angry at her? Still, she needed to be careful, and
he didn't need to rub his concern in her face. He smiled, unable to keep the
teasing from his voice. Kathryn's own relief was evident.
"A glass of fruit juice."
"That augers well for a woman who has only coffee for breakfast.
It's a good appetiser for lunch today. My treat?"
"I'll try."
"You can do better than that. By the way, I promised Doc I'll carry
you to sickbay at 0900 for your medical."
He chuckled. Kathryn's eyes had gone wide, and Tom Paris, freshly come
on duty just before Kathryn did, looked round quickly and snorted.
"That's right, Commander. A man's got to do what a man - "
"Shut up, Paris, and head straight for that nebula in front of
"Aye, Commander. Anytime, Commander."
"Anything the matter, Chakotay?"
"We have too much work to do today and too little time."
"And like always, we'll get through it, even if
- "
"You have to sit half the night getting it done."
"I have an able-bodied first officer doing a pretty good job of
lightening my load..."
"We're approaching the nebula, Captain," came Tom's voice.
"Five thousand kilometres to go..."
"We may have to barge our way through, Captain."
Kathryn gave a little sigh.
"We need the month we can save. Our rendezvous point with the
Etosha would be only days away then."
Kathryn looked at Chakotay.
"So, what was it you said about 0900?"
"Your medical."
"It's scheduled for 1900. You know that."
"Just making sure you don't forget," he replied.
They soon reached the nebula. For the next few hours Voyager rocked,
though Tom tried his best to keep her steady. Chakotay watched Kathryn, saw the
strain on her face and wished for a moment that she'd just take the day off like
he suggested to her the previous day.
Ready room, 0930
She was tired, but she wasn't going to tell her first officer that. It
sat in her bones, in every aching muscle, in the headache that threatened and
crept up from the base of her neck so that she found turning her head something
close to excruciation.
She rubbed her neck, braving the turning to gain some relief. Mariah
Henley and James Hamilton stood in front of her in the ready room. They looked
nervous, she decided, slightly ill at ease, though they were standing at ease.
James, one of her ablest pilots, rocked on his heels and would have toppled over
had Mariah's hand not snaked out to steady him.
"What can I do for you, Lieutenant Hamilton?"
"Er, Captain, I - uhm..."
"We wish to get married, Captain," Mariah finished for him.
Kathryn, between feeling amused and wanting to rub her neck again,
managed a smile. Mariah was one of Chakotay's original Maquis crew, and while
there had been a lot of adjustments made by both crew, they worked together
well. Too well, it seemed to her.
"Today, Captain."
"We're flying through a monstrous nebula, Mariah, James. Could you
postpone it a few days?"
Mariah and James exchanged glances.
"I - er..." James coughed, turning red, and Mariah kept
smiling, though there was an expectant look in her eyes. "We're pregnant,
Captain and besides..." He looked to Mariah for help. Mariah looked at her.
She wasn't going to help James, Kathryn thought. "It's - it's Mariah's
birthday today and we thought - "
"When did you decide this, you two?"
"Only this morning, Captain," replied James, now a little more
Kathryn cringed inwardly. Why couldn't they wait? She was getting a
headache, there was still her lunch date with Chakotay, the doctor to see and
yet another board meeting. Naomi had requested only the previous day to be
allocated her own cabin and the young Captain's Help had to see her at 1400.
Kathryn gave a little sigh as she checked her schedule for the day.
"Very well then. I can see you at 1500. Bring your witnesses."
"Yes, Captain. Thank you, Captain."
"And Mariah..."
"Yes, Captain?"
"Happy birthday and best wishes for the baby."
"Thank you, Captain!"
Mariah's face beamed. James turned to a beetroot again, but he smiled as
they exited the ready room. Kathryn felt a tad better, seeing how happy the two
"Bridge to Janeway."
"Janeway here."
By the time Chakotay spoke again, she was out of the ready room and on the bridge.
"You have to see this..."
Her heart sank as she looked at the viewscreen. The nebula, thick like
oozing pus seemed to have come alive. It contorted, shapeless billows that
fought for dominance. Though they had established it contained no harmful
substances, the very movement of it proved passage difficult. Tom was having a
hard time keeping an even keel, but the advance through the billows was too
slow. They were only inching forward.
"It will take longer than we anticipated," she said, feeling
her throat become thick.
Chakotay had warned her to take the longer route.
"Kathryn, we're already almost seven years into our journey. And
extra month is nothing..."
She had been adamant then, eager only to cut off here and nip off there
the extra days they could win. What they were experiencing now Chakotay had
predicted days ago. Now, he glanced at her quickly before turning to face the
viewscreen again. It was impossible to predict since their scans didn't indicate
the hellish churning they were seeing before them. Voyager would be wrung
through a wringer if they attempted to go through.
"We could retreat," Chakotay suggested. "We're only still
just inside the perimeter of the nebula."
"Then let's do it. Tom?"
"Turn Voyager round and set a new course for the Etosha."
"Aye, Captain."
She sat back in the command chair. It was quiet for a long time, time in
which Tom had brought Voyager round and traced the nebula along its perimeter as
close as it was possible to get to save time.
Chakotay cast her a quick glance. He could gloat if he wanted, but she
saw only concern in his eyes. Still, it didn't prevent her from blurting,
"If you say 'I told you so'..."
"I wasn't going to. Are you okay, Captain? You're rubbing your neck
"I'll be fine."
At that moment, Harry appeared on the bridge, as well as Tuvok. Magnus
remained at the Security station while Tuvok came to stand in front of them.
"Tuvok, the bridge is yours for the next hour," she heard
Chakotay say. She was dizzy and if she didn't eat something, Chakotay would most
probably have her head on a plate. She didn't mind that. She could grow another
head, one without headaches and decisions.
They left the bridge together, leaving Tuvok in charge.
"You going to finish your salad?"
"And the quiche?"
"You haven't touched it - "
"Chakotay, back off, will you?"
"Why is it so difficult to get you to do anything, Kathryn?"
"Because I'm Kathryn?"
That about summed up Kathryn Janeway, he thought. He gave a sigh, but
felt gratified when she started eating. It was like this every day. He thrust,
she parried, he challenged, she rose to it. If he were to admit it to himself,
he thrived on it. Life on Voyager, he decided, would have been infinitely boring
without Kathryn.
When they went back on duty, Kathryn went directly to her ready room to
receive her visitor while he took over command from Tuvok. Tom was skirting too
close to the nebula.
"Take it easy, Paris. We have the time the Captain allowed
us," he warned the pilot.
He heard Tom give a sigh, then the pilot dutifully moved Voyager far
enough away from the perimeter and out of harm's way. He still had a few things
to do, and working on the shifts for the crew was proving a nightmare. Crew were
getting married, moving into shared quarters, demanded to have the shifts
rearranged. He had to be hard on them. They were running a ship on a course to
the Alpha Quadrant, and their primary mission was the business of getting home.
They grumbled, but had to lump it.
He looked at the duty roster on the screen of the console between the
two command chairs. He noticed Hemmings was due for three days off, but he could
be spared only one day. They lost seven crew during their confrontation with the
Lopari three months ago.
Chakotay sighed, and started entering new shift records.
1400 - Ready room
"Naomi, how is it Seven of Nine could spare you in these trying
times?" Kathryn Janeway asked Samantha Wildman's daughter.
"I have only this hour, Captain," Naomi replied evenly,
"therefore I must be quick about my business. I still have to take a class
with the Doctor as soon I leave here."
Kathryn smiled as she indicated Naomi the place next to her on the sofa.
"What can I do for you, Naomi?" Kathryn asked as soon the
child was seated.
"I request permission to be allocated my own cabin."
"Any reason?" Kathryn asked, a little amused when Naomi
shifted uneasily next to her.
"My mother and Lieutenant Carey have decided to share quarters,
Kathryn stifled a laugh. It was known to her already, though this latest
development was something extra-ordinary. She was to marry Sam and Joe within a
"And that is a problem for you?"
"I'm not getting any younger, Captain, as you can see."
Kathryn could see very well. Naomi was much taller than most children her age.
"Dad - "
"Uncle Joe - Lieutenant Carey," Naomi corrected, then blushed
a little. "I think I should give the couple some space, don't you think,
Captain? I'm in the way, I think..." the girl said softly, her last words
almost inaudible.
"You want your own space, so to speak."
"Aye, Captain. When they - " She paused, became flushed again.
"It's like being in the same room. Therefore - "
"In understand. Back home on our farm my sister and I had our own
bedrooms. We created our own little worlds in there."
"Yes! That's what I'd like. I know that there are eleven cabins
vacant and that's why I thought I could come to ask."
"No problem. Permission granted, Naomi. I'll instruct Commander
Chakotay to do some reshuffling and allocate you your quarters near to your
Naomi rose to her feet and stood on attention. Kathryn smiled again.
"Thank you, Captain."
"You're welcome, Naomi. Now, at ease, young lady."
"Aye, Captain!" Naomi nearly jumped up so happy she was. Then
on impulse, she rushed forward and threw her arms round Kathryn.
Chakotay watched Kathryn closely as she conducted the ceremony. A good
thing the couple were so happy they couldn't see the hint of dark smudges under
her eyes. Mariah had roped him in to be a witness and Marla Gilmore was asked by
Tom had again skirted too close to the nebula and caused Voyager to
careen madly for several seconds. Though he corrected their position instantly,
Kathryn had been thrown off her feet on the bridge. In an attempt to break her
fall, he suffered a fractured arm. He heard a crack and thought no one else
heard it when he seated himself in his chair next to her. Kathryn had gotten up
again, read Tom the riot act and then turned on him, insisting on accompanying
him to sickbay. There the EMH had
given them both a jaundiced look.
"Ah, Captain, you're early for your medical - "
"See what you can do for Commander Chakotay. He's injured,"
Kathryn ordered.
The doctor, aggrieved at the Captain's tone, quickly treated him and
minutes later said, "There, you may go back to the bridge and break a
And Kathryn, giving him a skunk eye, added, "And may I say,
Commander, that I need my First Officer. No more dives." The angry look
changed and for a second he thought he saw tenderness there.
"You may kiss the bride," Kathryn's voice cut into his musing.
To a loud applause James and Mariah complied. They were in the
observation lounge and while Kathryn had agreed to conduct the ceremony
privately in her ready room, the crew wouldn't hear of it. Word had quickly done
the rounds on the vessel and before the couple could do anything, the decision
had been taken out of their hands. Out of Kathryn's hands, too.
He had seen Kathryn's look of consternation, but it passed so quickly he
doubted that any of the others saw it. Now, for the next hour, the festivities
would continue, and Kathryn had to remain for at least a few minutes before
making herself scarce. He was glad it was kept to a minimum since most of the
crew were on duty.
"May I have the pleasure of escorting you to your ready room,
Captain?" he asked, feeling very glad when she gave him a relieved look.
Later, in the ready room she had taken off her boots and tucked her feet
under her on the couch and closed her eyes for a few seconds.
"Just for a few minutes, Commander. I was as surprised as the
Hamiltons when the crew organised them a party and insisted I perform the
ceremony in the observation lounge."
Kathryn's rest was indeed for a few minutes only. She was hailed to the
bridge, while he remained behind to look at crew quarters and arrange that young
Naomi Wildman whose mother and Joe Carey had decided to tie the knot as well,
got a cabin of her own.
1600 - Boardroom
"We should negotiate with the Etosha to stay a month on their
homeworld," Tuvok's voice droned.
"Agreed." Seven of Nine looked straight at Kathryn before her
eyes flew to Harry. Chakotay was dead certain Seven had personal motives.
"We will be able to give Voyager an overhaul and run all diagnostics as
well as some overdue repairs. We could also use the extra manpower the Etosha
could provide, Captain."
Seven of Nine summed up their situation. They needed outside help...
"We're a month behind schedule for this sector," Kathryn
parried their suggestions, "and to take respite for an additional month...
I don't think we can afford - "
"We've been traveling the last seven years, Captain," he
interjected. "Another few months wouldn't hurt."
Chakotay was dead certain he was having déja vu. Didn't he say the same
words the day before and on several other occasions? Kathryn cast him a quick
glance, then looked away again. She could use the rest, he knew, but wanted to
senior officers to be absolutely in one mind about diverting slightly from their
course for a well-deserved rest.
"Very well. We'll prepare further negotiations with the Etosha and
hope to camp on their doorstep for a while. Anything else?"
"Captain, about the crew medicals. I still have to see that -
"That will be all, thank you. Dismissed."
The EMH gaped and Chakotay stifled the urge to laugh. The officers filed
out and B'Elanna gave him a grateful look. She was heavily pregnant and the
shuddering of Voyager earlier the day had her hailing Tom to give him an earful
about not caring that their baby's health might be jeopardised. He was piloting
a starship full of people, not trying to break warp ten.
On the bridge, Kathryn's hand touched his lightly. Her mouth curved at
the corner.
"I must be getting soft in the head, Commander. It was easy to
convince me this time."
"Nonsense. You had it all worked out already - "
"I need your input, you know that."
"After we've gone head to head, no less."
"Don't complain. You enjoy the sparring, Commander. How's the
Trust Kathryn to change the subject, but the second she asked the
question, he instinctively rubbed his arm.
"Perfect. Good for pitching curve balls."
Just then the console between them beeped again and the doctor's face
appeared on the screen.
"Commander, make certain that woman sees me at 1900. Didn't you
promise me she'd be down here at 0900 morning?"
"Doc - "
They heard the snicker coming from Tom and Harry, and Seven, who had
been standing on the level just behind them, commented, " - And the Captain
should set an example to the rest of the crew - "
Chakotay turned to look at the former Borg.
"I was told that Neelix said that to the Captain on occasion,
Commander. I am only repeating what I've heard."
Chakotay gave a long sigh. It didn't help any when he met Kathryn's
mutinous expression.
"Do I have your guarantee?" the Doctor asked again.
The next second Kathryn had switched off the monitor.
"That should get rid of him - "
"You know he's not going to rest till he gets his way," he
told her.
"It's okay. Let him stew a little."
He shook his head.
"I don't mind carrying you to sickbay," he whispered
while leaning a little to her side.
"Dream on, Commander."
The tiredness seeped into her bones. It had been a tense day, and one in
which too many things had to be done. Her First Officer had already gone off
duty. After the board meeting there were two emergencies she and Chakotay had to
handle. Dalby almost burned his hands off when one of the power conduits
exploded in Engineering. B'Elanna and Joe were on the upper level when it
happened. The smell of burning flesh met Kathryn during her routine visit to
Engineering, along with a furious B'Elanna who wanted to dive down and break
Dalby's nose. A string of Klingon
invectives to which Kathryn tried to cover her ears, was let loose before Dalby
was sent off to sickbay. After that, Dalby had requested an audience with the
Captain and demanded a station on the ship as far away from B'Elanna as
"I thought I was doing her a favour, her being pregnant and all
that," Dalby complained.
"You get along pretty well, Dalby. Deal with it."
Then she had visited the airponics bay just in time to hear Noah Lessing
curse loudly because they lost an entire batch of cultures of a new vegetable
they had procured from the last homeworld they visited. Noah had apologised
profusely and she thought he'd never stop; he was so embarrassed that she caught
him swearing.
"Take it easy, Noah. It's not as bad as you think. I believe we
have some seeds left - "
"But it took so long to cultivate the tubers, Captain."
"And time, as Commander Chakotay assured me earlier today, is what
we have on our hands. Don't worry. You're doing fine here. I'll be in here
tomorrow for my duty stint, and we can work on exactly why our crop
"Thank you, Captain!" Noah beamed with pleasure. She had
worked with him for about half an hour to clear up the tanks and reseed them.
Why Mariah and James Hamilton decided to marry today... Today, tomorrow,
next week - did it matter? was what she was dying to tell them, but they both
looked so expectant, so eager and in love that she couldn't be hard on them. And
Naomi... Kathryn shook her head. Naomi wanted her own cabin... She wondered if
Chakotay had allocated her a cabin already. The child was growing out of her
skin and her mother's quarters was an open plan cabin. They needed their
intimacy and Naomi sensed it. It wasn't that Naomi felt she was in the way, but
Kathryn knew that Sam and Joe needed privacy and freedom to express their love
on a physical level. It was a precedent she knew she'd be called on later when
one day - should they still be traveling in the Delta Quadrant, called upon by
B'Elanna and Tom, once their daughter started making the same demands.
When she entered the sickbay, the doctor gave her one look, threw up his
hands and cried, "Hallelujah!"
Kathryn exited the turbolift and walked the short distance to her
quarters. It beckoned her like an oasis in the desert. Lately, even her ready
room had lost its status as a refuge from the day's events. She rubbed her neck,
smiling a little when she realised there was no tension. She was exhausted, and
the movement merely instinctive. The doctor had cleared the headache that had
lingered the entire day. She was in dire need of a soak in the tub, a bite to
eat, something to read and then bed, or engaging in something totally
She leaned against the bulkhead for several seconds. It was the end of
the working day for her. Once she stepped inside her quarters, there would be no
disturbance. She was dying to unwind slowly, just lying back and close her eyes.
The anticipated pleasure made her slightly dizzy.
Breathing in deeply, she finally raised her head and entered her codes.
The doors opened and she stepped inside. It was the scent that caught
her instantly, coming from the area of her bedroom or bathroom. Bath oils - her
favourite aroma that already worked its magic on her. The next moment, Chakotay
stood in front of her. He smiled, the dimples deep and so achingly familiar that
she felt her throat constrict. She stepped into his embrace and rested her head
against his shoulder, breathing in his musk. His arms enfolded her gently. She
remained like that until he held her away from him. Trembling fingers touched
his lips.
"You sound tired, Captain."
"Right now, Chakotay, I need my husband far more than I need my
First Officer."
His response was to draw her even closer and kiss the top of her head.
"It's been quite a day. You slept so soundly this morning, I
informed Tuvok you'd come on duty two hours later - "
"You're doing too much for me."
"I want to do more. Your tub awaits; when you've soaked long
enough, dinner will be ready and - what did the doctor say?" Chakotay asked
as the thought struck him at last.
"Mother and baby are in good health."
Kathryn watched as Chakotay's eyes became moist. Strong arms enfolded
her again, the hug almost convulsive as she buried her face against him. He
lifted her and walk to the bedroom. He sat down on the bed, still holding her.
The kiss that followed was tender, without the usual rush of passion. When she
could breathe again, his hand touched her stomach. He was quiet when his eyes
met hers.
"We're going to be a family..." he whispered with awe in his
voice. "I have a home..."
She cupped his cheek in a tender caress.
"Home, Chakotay, is being in your arms and finding rest..."