This Page is full of all sorts of things...

I will add things all the time....

Sexy Ones!: The 3 sexiest Ladies ever.. To MY Opinion of course...

Death??: This shows a pic of one of the greatest murderers and also, A Shrine to Anton LaVey!.. You must check this out...

Ventrue: This shows the Symbols of the Clan Ventrue in the game Vampire: The Masquerade

Chat: This is where I chat! Or should I say, Role play Vampire the Masquerade, at!! Check it out if you enjoy Role Playing, VtM or any World of Darkness. It has Sabbat, Camarilla, Anarchs, Werewolves, Pixies.. Everything! WoD basically but, I say VtM...

Pretty Pics: Picture's of Death or Bad Accidents! *Pics Under Construction*

Music: Plain and Simple it's Music!

That's all for now but, I will add more.. When I find more, of course... Any Ideas??