Welcome. Take a look at What's New in our web and what is to come.

What's New

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20th March 2002

Well this week has been wonderful. I have met the author M.E. Wells, such a lovely person. I also met Young Avenger who is pretty and so intellectual. She was kind enough to show us around Cambridge and apart from the constant rain we had a wonderful time. A quick sketch is here.

We UK cousins are in for a treat, Granada Plus are showing The Man From U.N.C.L.E.  Home of TV The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Weekdays at 3:00pm - Repeated at 10:00pm from 6 May
Saturday 11 May from 12:00noon to 6:00pm
From May 6th. Further information here 

I have had many inquirers about my posters that were drawn for my HND Photography exam. All those who helped with research will be receiving one soon. There are small low resolution samples here.


3rd February 2002

Hello everyone. I am getting completely bogged down with college work. If there is anyone who would like to give me a hand with this part of the site, let me know. 

I have put up a page of resources, sixties dresses.

There is a new part to the site for downloads. At the moment there is wallpaper and coming soon for all you needlework lovers, cross-stitch patterns of U.N.C.L.E.   

25th November

There are new pictures in the gallery.

For those of you who wanted a copy of the NEW ZINE, information here.

bottle-cover.jpg (23335 bytes) Cover of The One Green Bottle Affair.

For those of you who can't wait that long or want to read it but not buy the book call Sepia for the URL. 

25th October

New pictures as requested by Teresa.

24th October

New pictures in the Gallery. Go Here and Here for quick link. Contains some long awaited Illya wet.

14th October

New page of illustrations.

31st August

The Deadly Agent final.

30th August

Penultimate Deadly is up.

26th August

Next chapter of Clocking in is up.

18th August

Next chapter of Deadly is up.

During the next week pages are going to be removed for up-dating purposes. They will be back, well, most of them.

17th August

Deadly file will be placed here tonight.

15th August

There are still quite a few people still reading Book One so I won't go to far ahead with Book Two unless specifically requested. Chapter 10a is up

13th August

Clocking in, For those of you who have got that far, chapter 7 is up. 

11th August     cover1.jpg (39568 bytes)

The first chapters of Clocking In are up. This is the sequel to, And then Some. Get the hankies out!

10th August

Full novel! It's big. cover.jpg (26427 bytes)

I have had many requests to put back the Sepia book, so here it is in full. Plus tomorrow the sequel will also begin. There is no category for this book as it was developed by Louie McKlindon using diaries of two real-life spies, code-named Tzavros and Sukoloff. It could just be a spy story or a slash U.N.C.L.E. if you want it to be. To turn this into an original work, a supernatural slant was added to the espionage with surprising results. If you like ghost stories, humor and espionage then this is for you. If you know U.N.C.L.E. then you will find certain resemblance's, although, at the time this was not intentional.  But there are two blond Russians in it.

Enjoy it whichever way you want to read it.

22nd July 2001

Well, this is not good. My dear little brain became scrambled. I have finished the first year and organised myself a bit better. My daughter has gained her BA Hons and is home again, this means she will push me to update this page and catch up on the great backlog. All those who have requested pictures will be notified as they go up.

 Another Sepia files is up.

New Uncle Story, The Leprecorn Affair, is up.

From the camera of Sepia, Latest McCallum photograph, get that smile!

And the Deadly has two more chapters with the final coming very soon.


18 February 2001

Hello everyone. Firstly I would like to hear from others who are doing this studying thing, how do you cope? Do you think it's harder as you get older? Might be an interesting story somewhere.



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