do you want to go today? Away from here? The Image Galleries? The Multimedia Galleries? Rings and stuff? Special awards and stuff? A bit about Me? Ursa Minor? My fanfiction? |
Welcome, you who
have hitch-hiked the galaxy. Please stay and rest.
Welcome to the §Hyper-Space Rest Stop§. This is a small
place set aside from the Universe for Galactic Hitch-Hikers
and ANYTHING to do with "The Hitch Hikers Guide to
the Galaxy", Douglas Adams, OR the number 42. You may have know this page to be, before, The Hitch Hikers Rest Area. This has changed with my school year. I got bored. Nuff said. The Hyper-Space Rest Stop is owned by me. I hate updatting things and once in a while I need to be reminded. So if I get a little behind just email me. |
You are
the Hitch Hiker to stop at the Rest
Area since July 17 1999, so you better let me know you were here
by signing my guestbook.
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a trademark of Douglas Adams. There is no affiliation between the author of this page and Mr. Adams, and the author of this page intends no infringement. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a name used here only for the purpose of increasing the enjoyment level of other Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans.