The Blog of Sothis!

Sunday 15th May 2005

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="285" height="123" border="0"><br>:: how jedi are you? ::</a>

Heh, so I am a noble Jedi- that can't be right, hehe.

<table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='600'><tr><td></td><td> You scored as <b>A Slave To BDSM</b>. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.<br><br><table border='0' width='300' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><p><font face='Arial' size='1'>A Slave To BDSM</font></p></td><td><table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='70' bgcolor='#dddddd'><tr><td></td></tr></table></td><td><font face='Arial' size='1'>70%</font></td></tr><tr><td><p><font face='Arial' size='1'>A Romantic</font></p></td><td><table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='65' bgcolor='#dddddd'><tr><td></td></tr></table></td><td><font face='Arial' size='1'>65%</font></td></tr><tr><td><p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Sex God</font></p></td><td><table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='65' bgcolor='#dddddd'><tr><td></td></tr></table></td><td><font face='Arial' size='1'>65%</font></td></tr><tr><td><p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Virgin</font></p></td><td><table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='58' bgcolor='#dddddd'><tr><td></td></tr></table></td><td><font face='Arial' size='1'>58%</font></td></tr></td></tr></table><br><a href=''>How are you in bed</a><br><font face='Arial' size='1'>created with <a href=''></a></font></table>

That's a tad more... interesting, lol.

So, what's been happening this weekend?

The answer is, ALOT!

For me the week was broken up into chunks, having Wednesday and Thursday off so I could go to my Brother's 21st birthday party.  It proved to be quite fun!

Wednesday was an early start, a lot earlier than necessary in my opinion, with a long drive to Canterbury.  I hate that particularly journey- it's long, tiring and not helped by potential traffic jams on the M25.  Still, the journey came to an end and my parents and I bundled into a bed and breakfast that happened to be only a few metres from Tom's frontdoor!

Tom got a Playstation 2, a beautiful watch, and a couple of PS2 games for his birthday, plus a fair bit of cash!  I could see that he was pleased!  

During the day we went to Bluewater, a large shopping complex, and to me, one of the most boring places on earth.  I don't like going shopping unless I'm going to buy something- I can browse items from the internet!

That evening, we all went out as a family to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.  I am reserving judgement on Mexican food- it just doesn't appeal to me, though the crispy duck wraps were quite nice, so at least there is an element of said food that I can enjoy!

Tom has insisted that everyone going out for his birthday wear a suit, so a suit it was- I don't like wearing the things- they're too uncomfortable!  The night out was quite fun, the nightclub played a decent variety of music, and Tom's Uni mates are nice people.  You can tell they're Uni students- namely you can tell that they are smart enough to belong there!

I also met Tom's girlfriend, Lisa, who seems quite nice- she's a keeper Tom, so keep her!

On Thursday I had been hoping to return home quite early, but thanks to Tom having a lecture at 3pm, we had to wait around.  Still, the day was productive- I got a USB memory pen and a webcam!  So now I can broadcast messages- well, as soon as the microphone arrives I can!

I returned to work on Friday, to find out that a friend of mine is going to pop the question to his girlfriend soon- my fingers are crossed for him!

Saturday was a long but good day- Tom had returned home with us, and the family came round to celebrate his 21st birthday- a typical family gathering.
Michelle came up as well- there is nothing more sweet than to wrap your arms around the woman you love, and to kiss her for the first time in a week- although it always feels like it's been longer.  

We did a lot of quiet cudding and snuggling- which always feels good- sometimes there is no better feeling than the skin of the woman you love, or seeing her restling peacefully beside you.

Rest wasn't really an option after everyone starting arriving- the house was abuzz with activity, and thus we mingled- it was a good evening though it was also very long- I think we went to bed around 1am- and may have been later than that.  We went to sleep around... err... well, later *wink*.

Sunday- well, Sunday is the day of rest, and that's what we did- we didn't get out of bed till nearly midday, and cuddled and snuggled for a bit, before an early start to the trip back home for Michelle and for Tom.  I wanted to spend more time with her this weekend than we ended up getting, but the trip to Canterbury is such that we had to leave early to ensure getting back at a reasonable hour.

We left at 3:40, we got home at about 8:10.  So much for a reasonable hour!  The motorway can be blamed for that particular source of aggro- for whatever reason, even in the evenings, the M25 is busy on a Sunday.

Consequently, I now feel shattered.  Still, somehow I must find the energy to go to work tomorrow!

Wednesday 10th May 2005

The experiment that is the homemade journal continues, with this second entry.

At some point next week, I'll copy the old journal entries from Livejournal, and shut it down- it's going to be very tedious to copy all the entries, but it must be done!

So, what is there to report from the middle of the week?  Not a lot really- Am learning how to handle tax-free cash calculations, and can now do TIPP/SIPP fund values and agency changes.  

This brings the total sum of what I can do to the following:

DIPPING, logging and booking in of post, S32 Fund Values, S32 Transfer Values, Projections, S32 Agency Changes, S32 Address Changes, Microfiche Requests, NI number checks, TIPP Fund Values, TIPP Back-dated Fund Values, TIPP Agency Changes.

I'm sure I've forgotten something.

Tomorrow is my Brother's 21st birthday- ah, I can remember when he was smaller than me, yet now he is taller- how things change!

I have the next two days off work, as tomorrow we're off to Canterbury to see Tom, and in the evening I'll be joining him and his mates at a local club/bar- I will hopefully avoid a hangover!  On Thursday... well... not sure what's going on Thursday.  Then on Friday, it's back to work, and on Saturday, Michelle and the family are coming here for Tom's family birthday bash- which means Michelle and I will probably have to endure Number 9 comments!

Sunday 8th May 2005

Having experienced recently problems with my livejournal, I have decided to do something that on reflection, I could have done before, and that is to have my own journal, making use of my previously stagnating Geocities account.

Hence, this new page.

I will try to copy my Livejournal entries to this site at some stage, though that won't happen immediately (there are a lot of entries, after all!).  In the meantime, lets look at this weekend's activities.

Saturday began early, as I aimed to catch the 9:34 fast train into London.  This train was delayed by four minutes, and due two minutes after it was an even faster train, so I decided to wait.  The original train came and went- and the faster train was delayed by nine minutes.  That was one calculation that went miserably wrong!

Still, got to London about 10:!5, and met Michelle about 10:40, and off we went on our day's adventure.

First port of call, Covent Garden- where Michelle bought a book for Bruce, and together we wandered about the local market, taking in the sights sounds and scents of our nation's capital.  London truly is a melting pot, without a doubt, and in my humble opinion, the most vibrant city on earth- a worthy host to the 2012 Olympic games.

After a pint for me and a bottle of beer for Michelle, we made our way to Planet Hollywood, the reason for our visit to London.  We settled in, surrounded by weird and wacky film props, and enjoyed two whopping great big burgers- but our true motivation was the dessert.

Having been to Planet Hollywood before- on the day we met no less- we already knew what we wanted for pudding- chocolate fudge brownie thing!  I have a picture of the original on my phone, taken just before we had devoured it.

It was smaller than before, but no less tasty- brought back memories, hehe.  A couple of cocktails and Michelle was decidedly merry- a wonderful sight to behold!  As for me, I was a teensy bit inebreiated, but sober enough to have a vague sense of direction, hehe.  We made our way to the location of the Natural History Museum and saw the new T-Rex exhibit- and got a sense of what that mighty creature was like- and then tried (and failed) to find the Science Museum, which is supposedly right near the Natural History Museum!  In the end we wound up back in the heart of London, and made our way home, arriving just in time for Doctor Who.

Rest and Relaxation followed on Sunday, and we snuggled so warmly in each other's arms that I could have happily fell asleep and spent tonight there- and would have,. if it weren't for the fact that I have work tomorrow.

Well, that completes the new-look journal, which is now free from the constraints of someone else's server!

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