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The new fanfic site from The Project
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On September 10th, 1993, an event occurred that - although I didn't know it at the time - would completely change my life.

So, what was this event? My house burnt down? I won the lottery? No.
On that date, a television show, not expected to survive more than a year, first aired on TV screens in the US.

At first, The X-Files gained only a cult following.
Now, it is shown in over 100 countries, in 40 languages.
In fact, the success of the show is almost worthy of an X-File of its own.

I started watching The X-Files in 1995.
Between then and now, I have managed to see every episode and eagerly await my next fix of X-fileishness.
Since joining the Internet community a year ago, not only have I met a load of great people, I have realized there are many more people like me, devoted to this show like a religion.

Post-Modern PrometheusThe Red & The Black

And every time I watch a new episode, I realize exactly why I like it so much.
Not because I'm a science-fiction geek who revises on Star Trek and stays up all night UFO spotting.
(For the record, I've never seen either Star Trek or A UFO, and I don't particularly want to, either :-) ).
No, I'm an ordinary person. Well, fairly ordinary. Ahem.
The reason I like the show is because of the intriguing plots, characters and stories. The continuing mythology that brings a new twist with every story told. Everything that makes The X-Files The X-Files!!

There are thousands of you out there, with these same thoughts.
And thousands of you sitting dazed and confused, wanting to join in, but still wondering why these two FBI agents are running around town chasing liver-eating mutants, six-foot sewer worms, and of course, those pesky little aliens.

Well, whatever category you fall into, whether you're a long term fan, a beginner, or a six-foot sewer worm, turn on your TV and hold on tight, you're in for one hell of a ride.

Welcome to The X-Files.

Maybe this site will help you understand the madness.

To live the lie, you have to believe it...

You lot are the coolest!

"It all comes down to a matter of trust. I guess it always has."
("The Beginning")

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IMPORTANT! Disclaimer:
"The X-Files" "X-Files" "The X-Files: Fight the Future" and all associated pictures, logos and names © TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX BROADCASTING LIMITED.
This is an UNOFFICIAL, UNLICENSED fan-based site, making NO MONEY from it's publication.
Any problems about the site or this disclaimer should be e-mailed as soon as possible, and they will be rectified immediately.
We do not aim to break any rules, laws or whatever, but if we have - we want to know so we can deal with them!!
"Believe The Lie" collage courtesy of The Haven  (+ text by The project)

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