Here is a page of X-files poems, got one, then please send it to me. The only two rules are that it has to be written by YOU, and it has to be related to the X-files. That's it!
This World We Live In
This world we live in,
A world filled with lies and deceit,
A world surrounding us,
With walls of pain and regret,
I ask myself,
Why do I live like this?
How do I go on?
How can I do this?
The answer comes so easy,
I do this for you,
I lie for you lie,
I feel for you,
I kill for you,
I love you,
I could not do this without you,
You are my savior in disguise,
My love in hiding,
My hope in future times to come,
You are my life,
As I am yours,
This is our time, our hope,
This world we live in is,
Our world.
The Quest - of M&S
Their souls intertwined,
Their destinies aligned.
Two People who seek to find,
the truth behind,
a plot to enslave all humankind.
Up against all the odds
their determination,
can not be quelled.
They are out to save the world.
With morality so strong,
they sacrifice their own lives before,
turning there backs on exposing
the secrets behind a closed door.
Alone the truth would never be found.
Together nothing can cut them down.
Their feelings for each other are so strong.
A bond that will last forever long.
The sum of their insights.
sheds vital light.
Solo, the picture will never be clear.
As a duo, they have nothing to fear.
Seek The Truth
For all your life you have been fleeing Into the depths of your soul. Seeking some hidden truth that may lie within.
But what if you discovered That everything you have ever known was a lie?
A mirror had been cast upon the world, Reflecting only what people wanted to see. No one wanted to know the
truth. It was too vast, too surreal. Tell a lie and people will believe.
Whatever you've experienced, cherish the past. Every moment is precious, enjoy the present. But whatever lies
before us is closing in. No one really considered what the future might bring, Not even vaguely imagined it. But
now you must fight. Fight the future.
Trust no one. Don't believe the lie. Don't listen to the whisper telling you to surrender. Never stop. The further you
go, the more you find. You try to shine a light within the smouldering darkness, But someone goes to extreme
lengths to crush it, Destroy it. Why?
What if, every time you become hurt, you didn't wither? You refuse to die. To burn out. Someone is trying to control
you. Use you. Fight. Yet every time you reach further, seek deeper, You only find more lies.
Smouldering lies ripped your value from your grasp. And life cuts you, but you won't stop. Lies, lies, and the
frustration builds. And now you are beyond control. They stole your soul mate to hurt you. Painful strike.
And someone wants to tie you down, Shut you up. But you won't die. Your soul-mate is slipping from your grasp
And you cry these tears of pearl. You reach out in the blindness… Gone. Forever Love will be the death of you.
But you cannot die. Nothing can stop you And every time someone tries to hold you down You only fight harder,
And you emerge stronger.
Deep inside something is stirring. It's rising. You can feel it flowing through your mind, Through every limb. A
burning anger. A silent screaming in your mind Echoes in the emptiness. Fight. Nothing will hold you down. Rage,
bursting with powerful energy.
You are hurt. But it's not over, Not yet. Not until the end. Never give up. Find your soul-mate, and do not part. Seek
the truth.
Your presence is a gift to me,
One I cannot describe,
We have a bond,
I would never want to break,
I look forward to the time we spend together,
I wish time would roll slower
When we are together
So that I may have more moments
To spend by your side,
We have a connection,
Of friendship and loyalty,
And when those around us turn their backs,
We look at each other, Peel the layers of lies,
And see one another,
Bare with no walls of deception
Between us,
We are ourselves,
No acting needed to feel accepted,
Our souls are intertwined,
We will always be together,
I would not have it any other way,
What lucky souls we are, to have each other.
Captive Heart
I look at you with closed eyes,
I touch you, but only in my dreams,
I love you, yet I know I cannot have you.
You hold my heart captive,
It bleeds for your love,
My soul cry's for yours,
My body aches to hold you,
My mind thinks only of you.
I want to touch you, to smell you, to love you,
I want to hold you in my arms forever,
Protect you from all the pain in this world,
I love you I'll love you always
My captive heart holds still your love,
In hopes that one-day it will rejoice in it,
My eyes want to see you're beauty,
My hands need to feel your soft skin,
My arms wish to wrap around you
You hold my heart captive,
With the love I have for you,
Set it free from it's closed prison with the words,
Say you love me, truly, unconditionally, and forever.
BlackBlood of the Earth
I existed when your world began it's turn.
I existed when the sun first shown on you and yours.
I existed when the H and the O first mixed together.
I existed when the whiteness above you began to form.
I existed when your waters first began to wave.
You think what is, is true?
You think what is, is you?
What are you gonna do?
I existed when you made the first trail.
I existed when the first leaves blew, on your first trees.
I existed when you first experienced darkness.
I existed when that above you twinkled at night.
I came from inside your world, under the ice.
I'll wrap myself in you.
Kiss you sweetly and then kill you.
Written by
A being's existence and a liar's deceptions captured me.
Oh, the task I must accomplish to expose those fabricated untruths.
My life and my partner's life shall be committed to the pursuit.
I require only what My Agent promised, what I need, so I may succeed. Unafraid, Untarnished, Unscathed, and Unconditional trust.
The great smoke puffing machine that directs life as it sees fit,
serves orders. Satisfying the hunger of those in darkness planning the future. Now I begin my quest, to seek, to make those responsible pay and to locate my kin. I will not let this conquer me. I will not fail. I shall drag it out from the shadows and prevail.
Written by
Mulder's Theme
Wrapped around each other,
trying to hear each other's hearts.
Trying to find my own sister.
You gave me your trust.
Almost loosing you,
to almost kissing you.
I am your hero, and you are my leading lady.
I have it all,
your strength, trust and your love.
Staring in our, own late late show,
chipping away at the untruth.
Here's looking at you kid,
looking at all the things we did.
We can find it once again, the truth.
Just like we did in Cassandra.
Honey can't you remember,
when they took you from me.
Honey I swear I'll get the men,
the men that took you away.
Your always in my mind and heart,
kiss me again.
Cause I trust you still,
Baby I'll always be there.
Written by
Mr. Spooky
I locked the door to my office and I lost the keys!
Where is my debunking partner?
I need my red-head partner.
Pull out the cell-phone and call.
"Scully can I sleep over? I'll do your make-up."
"You have a spare? Great."
Answering machine is full of dirty messages.
Closet pilled with boxes ceiling high.
Why is my smoke alarm going haywire?
Sit on my couch just for a bit.
I think I'll watch some TV.
Hey, I like this show with that great looking guy.
Mmmbation's lost its fun.
Bite my tongue and cross my eyes.
Can seeds go bad? *spit*, yup!
Lying in bed counting grays.
Aw crap, here they come.
Change your facial expression!
Think I'll take up origami.
How do you spell qwee-qwegg?
Oh, Shh... my bed just sprung a leak!
Written by
Trust Me, Love Me
Trust me
Please trust me
I need to know you do
I need to be an equal
Not a spy
I need you to trust me
Help me
Please help me
I need someone to lean on
I need someone to comfort me
and share my tears
I need you to help me
Care for me
I need you to care for me
To worry about me when Im gone
To defend me when im in trouble
I need you to care for me
Love me
I need you to love me
To love me for what I am
To love me with all your heart
I need you to love me
TITLE - Missing Time
RATING - I'm not sure... PG 13 I suppose?
ARCHIVE - Doesn't matter to me :)
FEEDBACK - If you'd like.
DISCLAIMER - I soo wish I was the genius man behind these characters, but
nope--I'm not even close!! You know the drill...M and S don't belong to on and so forth....
AUTHORS NOTE- A lot of my newsletters said they were having trouble getting
people to send fanfic in, so I thought I'd try it in the form of
poetry...hope it entertains you for a second of your day. Thanks! :)
I woke up knowing that this was the day
I couldn't let fear of rejection stand in my way
I have to tell the woman I love of my undying devotion
when we are together I feel the greatest emotions
She has become a part of my mind and soul
without her I am not even close to whole
I constantly feel lost and beaten by my fear
but I am comforted when she is near
If she feels the same way, I'm not really sure
but for her loneliness I know I'm the cure
I can't wait any longer, I need to tell her now
but I've held off so long I'm not sure how
Somehow I find my way through the basement and to our office door
I take a deep breath and rehearse once more
My palms are moist and sweat rolls down my cheek
I sigh and realize my knees are weak
I stride into the office a half hour late
the room is empty---------maybe it's fate
My mind is racing with reasons she's not there
I stare longingly at her empty chair
I check my voice mail to see if she has called
what I hear next causes my heart to stall
Skinner's voice instructs me to rush to ER right away
her cancer has fought back and might not allow her to live another day
Panic flows through me--how could this be?
I must tell her my feelings before her soul is set free...
Within moments I arrive at the hospital and rush to the side of her bed
"I'm sorry're just minutes too late." the doctor said
My world stops turning and I beg the Lord "Please..."
one glance confirms my worst fears as I drop to my knees
Scully is gone and when she left I wasn't by her side
At that moment my own will to live also died
Why hadn't I said something sooner--why did I wait??
It took 6 years and now I was too late

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