Think about it? There are thousands of X-files web pages and new ones are being created everyday! This page is dedicated to those new sites! I will surf the net and search for x-files sites that have only been up for 2-3 months or less. Then once a week, I will show case them on this page to help them get a little more exposure! When their week is up, I won't just erase their link, but I will have it at the bottom of this page. This is a great way for you to seek out new sites without actually having to search for them!
This week July 25, 1999
I have decided on
This site offers links, pictures, YKYAXPW (You Know Your An X-Phile When..), Some Shippyness, X-Places, Attachments and more. It is a great new site and I believe it will soon become one of the majors! It has only been up for a couple of weeks but has an enormous amount of information on it. Its smart way of incorporating humour along with the serious of its subject makes it one of my NEW favourites!
If you have a site that has only been up for a couple of months then E-MAIL ME

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