I would love your feed back here, I want to know what you think of my site, and in what ways (if any) you think I should change it. This will really help and I just want to thank you for your time, you don't know just how kind you are.
2. Some Questions
What is your favorite type of Fanfiction
Out of 1 to 10 how would you rank my site
Have you contributed to my site in any way?
3. About the site.
How long have you been visiting this site?
From which page do you enjoy the fanficiton on my site the most?
Do you like the romance between Mulder and Scully?
Who is your favorite Author?
What is your favorite story on this site?
How would you rate the ease of use of the site?
(5 = Easy, 1 = Hard)
Overall, how would you rate the site?
(5 = Good, 1 = Bad)
Finally, if you have any ideas or comments, please type them in the below box:
The X-Files and Millenium Banner Exchange