"That you should know my heart, look into it, finding there the memory and experience that belong to you, that are you"

These words written to Mulder by Scully in Momento Mori express her feelings towards him. Here you will get a chance to express your feelings to not only Mulder but the whole world, this is a site for fanfiction writers and readers. My name is Roseh20 and I love to read X-files Fanfiction, here, you not only are able to read my work but others as well. I decided to create this site for the sole purpose of bringing joy and love into your life, the joy and love only Mulder and Scully can bring. I hope you take the time to read the fanfiction on this site and if you are interested to submit your work as well. So sit back my fellow X-Phile, and escape into the choices our soul makes for us, into the very core of the X-files, escape into the imagination of many and feel the love of two people bound by there feelings,
Mulder and Scully.

Last Updated: August 12, 1999

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New Up Dates August 12,1999

Do you have a great site but no banner to showcase it off. Then go here and I will create one for you!

There is a new story Within The Walls written by Julie Fox.

I am now part of a new banner exchange, check it out below.

Check "This Weeks New Site" there I have started a list of new sites that I think are really good and should be checked out.

Dana's Letters and A Morning Drive have been up dated by two very talented writers. The stories are still long from finished so please feel free to e-mail me or post up on the message board your next part!

I have a new love! Creating pictures! I like to do all my own designing as you can see and I think I am pretty good at it. If there is anything you need done, like a banner or a picture for your web-site, e-mail me and tell me about it, I would love to help you out with it.

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Copyright © 1998, 1999 My Fanfiction, Any unauthorized use of original content located on this domain is strictly forbidden. Website design and programming by Roseh20. The X-files belongs to Fox and Chris Crater, not I, just if you did not know that.