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This site is set up for writers or others needing help with writing to get that help. It is also my homepage where over time I will post some of my stories, and maybe some of the stories of my friends. At times, you may find essays on my views of writing, or whatever else I feel like posting. This is also the homepage for The Lobe Literary Agency, which is not associated with any of my services, even though I own the Agency. If you read the guidelines for the agency, it will make more sense.

Who am I? You might be asking yourself why you would want me helping you with your writing needs? Well, good question. My name is J Erwine, and I'm the Web Editor for Sam's Dot Publishing. I'm responsible for editing two on-line zines. In addition, I have also sold more than thirty short stories to various small presses, I've sold several articles, a novel, and a short story collection as well…and if that's not enough, I've studied creative writing in college.

Click on the links below for all of the information you might be looking for. In addition, you can read some of my work and see where my short stories have been published.


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