Above Stargate image was edited from cover of the Pilot Video by Slida. No infringement is intended.
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The "Chaapa-ai" (pronounced by most as Chappa-eye) is a term used by the monks on Chu'Lak, and it's Abydonian as well as Ancient Egyptian - according to Daniel . Her'rur's Guards also refer to the Stargate as a Chaapa'ai...
When I set out to choose a name for my site, I wanted something a little different, a little off-beat, but something that was instantly recognisable as a STARGATE site.
" Chaapa-ai " gave me all that.
I searched high and low looking for the correct spelling, but never sure which one was right. So I finally thought.. go to the horse's mouth (so to speak) so I wrote to the GateWatcher - I figured that she could just email Michael Shanks and ask him how it's spelt in his script for me. That was, I said to her, if she didn't know herself. Luckily for me she did have the correct spelling, taken from the Stargate book infact. So Michael Shanks still lives happily ignorant of my plight - a fact I am eternally grateful for :)
I didn't much care where the spelling came from .. as long as it was RIGHT.
Anyway... so that's my story for this page..
So.... I sincerely hope you enjoy the "Chaapa' ai".....
Are you a DANIELite????? Wanna know what one is?? Click on the above image... Please copy the above image if you, too, are a DANIELite and have a site. Place it predominantly on your page, and link back to http://www.geocities.com/area51/crater/4736/danielite.htm
Where you can come and discuss DANIEL until your heart's content, without fear of flame :) But, BEWARE.. the drool !!!!! B.Y.O mop and bucket please!
Go here to see your WELCOME TO THE LIST package that you will recieve when you join the list.. Remember, this is *virtually* possible :)
** Indepth discussion and/or flames about the Actor/s (and their lives and families) is not allowed on this list. ** |
As you can well guess then this site is dedicated to the great television series STARGATE and to the characters that we enjoy watching each week.
When I first started out with this, I wanted to develop a Daniel Jackson site. Being the first DANIELite.. I intended to devote a whole site to him. However, as I continue to rewatch the episodes I am discovering that each and every character in Stargate is worthy of a site ...
is, of course, a (Now any references to wanting to kneel
before my God right now are going to be.. err.. overlooked - I'll save that for the
DANIELite's Mailing list.. I think !! LOL). He is definitely my most favourite
character on television! I love the fact that he is a pacifist but enough of a
realist to know that if he doesn't kick butt every now and then, he (or one of his
friends) might get hurt, so he throws himself in and does what he has to to look out for
his friends ( and Man! does he EVER look good going into action in SLOW MOTION ;-D
for those that don't know what I mean.. check out the episode, "SHOW and
TELL".. if not for this bit, but for the bit just before when Danny and Jack
are outside the room and they have a conversation in mime.. LOL!!! Great fun!)
Daniel is gentle and driven and intelligent and thoughtful and considerate and knowledgable and compassionate and intriguing and interested and.... need I go on?? LOL.. you get the idea!!! Not to mention he's so damn cute, especially in those little glasses! I don't much mind the hair cut (revealed in "Out of Mind") and for those fans that think he's out of HIS mind getting it cut..it *was* for a good reason.. the 'actor' had to have it short to play Hamlet. It'll grow again! Oh, many thanks to Michael Shanks, btw, for 'lending' Daniel his good looks ;-D Especially when he does that nose crinkle thingy as he talks, or that stammer -growl thing .... all way too cute!! LOL - Hmmm, Is it me? Or is it hot in here??
Phew!! Now.. err.. where was I ?? Oh, the team.. yeah..
is so great with his witty and sarcastic responses!!! His deep concern and loyalty to his
team members is unquestionable. I love the sparks between him and Daniel, two polar
opposites with a deep respect for each other personally - if not necessarily for each
other's line of work. Although, as I watch more of season 2, I can see Jack growing
more and more respectful of Daniel's intelligence and knowledge. He's doing the same
with Sam as well. Jack says so much with just a look or a little action, and
if he starts to squint at you, look out, cos he's not buying what you're saying to him,
believe me! LOL! RDA is perfect for this role, and I've heard people say he's
just 'playing himself', but I beg to differ! I've seen MacGyver and I've seen Legend
(loved Legend!!!!!!) and I don't think he's the same character in any of them! I
think Jack is flippant enough without being over the top, and you have just got to love
that witty repartee he has!! Too cool :)
Sam is a
wonderful female character, especially for television, where so many actresses rely on
their 'looks' to sell the character. Not Sam though! Uh uh!! We are
treated to an intelligent woman who is at once strong and caring, who knows what she knows
and gets her point across concisely. She is not afraid to challenge if she feels it
necessary, but she also knows her place amongst the hierarchy of the Military. An
astrophysics expert, she is also rich in knowledge of so much Military information, and
she was also 'blessed' by a union with Jolinar, which opened up a whole new 'life' to her.
I like the fact that she's almost 'tom-boyish', rolling up the sleeves and just
getting in and doing what has to be done! I like the fact that they don't rely on
Amanda's obvious good looks to promote the character because the hard work put in by the
actress would be diminished then. Instead, Sam Carter is one of the best written,
strongest female roles on television today and I thoroughly enjoy watching Amanda's
portrayal of the character.
Teal'c is a great character! Strong, silent
and oh so deadly, you've gotto love that in an alien, don't you? Portrayed
beautifully by Chris Judge, we are treated to an intelligent portrayal of a being who is
gentle, yet incredibly powerful both in knowledge and strength. He is steadfastly
loyal to Jack and is a good friend to Daniel and to Sam. His loyalty to the Tau'ri
is obvious, but he isn't afraid to stand up to them if he thinks it's necessary!
Using both brute strength (wow! is this guy 'built' nicely ;-D) and incredible
intelligence, Teal'c helps to guide Jack and company through the Universe and through the
web of System Lords. I love the way Teal'c is written. He's a silent one, as
he says, he speaks only when it is necessary (ohhh, and that voice! :))) ), but he
gets across so much more! With a simple tilt of the head, we just know what he's
thinking... Great character!! I like that he's also starting to 'touch' his fellow
team members now. It's a show of his growing love and respect for them, I
So now you know why I have this site, and you probably have more of my opinion than you need right now LOL but there you go! So, what about the rest of the site..???
SITE MISSION! (Holds one hand in the air and the other over her heart) I do hereby declare that this site intends to discuss ad nauseam my love of the characters of STARGATE and my admiration for the actors portraying said characters. It guarantees to be a little off-beat, quirky and not always full of the up-to-date information. It will be heavily opinionated by myself... be warned ;-D It will house content that is not intended for the Under 18's. I'm being serious! It is developed because I just have nothing better to do with the hours between 11 pm and 6 am everyday. Sleep? Oh, what's that????? It's sole purpose is to inform (yeah, right!) and entertain! Please.. enjoy...
I will be putting up Fanfiction. I'm an avid writer - almost to the point of obsessive once I get to know my characters well. I currently have 25 non STARGATE related stories up online (with 10 in progress). I have 16 pieces of Stargate SG-1 fiction online (under a pseudonym) as well as 3 general SG-1 fanfictions as well.
And you should know that I'm a 'Shipper.. That is - a person who likes to write and read about the "relationships" between the characters.. sometimes on a romantic level.. sometimes just about friendship. I'm a bit of a Nox in a way... *I don't care* about your preferences therefore I'm open to ALL fanfiction (provided it's decently written and not too violent). The Library where I'll be keeping my work will be well signposted. You'll know where you should and shouldn't look. And if you still don't understand what I'm on about here.. then may I suggest you give the library a WIDE berth altogether ;-D Thanks.
Please feel free to copy the DANIELite banner (if you want one) and then place a link back to the page.. so that others may follow the link from your site and discover for themselves what a DANIELite is. Remember, this is not a fan club, it's an appreciation club. You do not *join* - just support and appreciate :-)
Also, for the picture galleries it would be BETTER if you were running at 800 x 600 pixels - otherwise it looks a bit big and a 'lot' crappy - and takes a long time to load.
This site won an Award !! Many, many thanks to Mingo.. for her recommendation for the award :)
It was a lovely surprise :)
So what's available through this Chaapa-ai....
and what *is* a DANIELite????
By clicking the DHD you will go to that page :)
Debriefing Room... (Update page to you ;-D)
"Kneel Before Your God" Photo storyboard.
(Adult content)
Who let the MSOOFer in...?? (Adult content)
Daniel's Women... a.k.a. the many lusts of a Space Monkey
The Little Ray of Sunshine page.......
My favourite Daniel pictures... and why...
The Ultimate TV's Online Chat with Michael
Is Michael a Dad ... or not...?
Page on Daniel Jackson - the movie version...
Page on Daniel Jackson - the series version..
Page on Jack O'Neill - the movie version..
Page on Jack O'Neill - the series version.. (now
with links)
Picture Gallery of the episode -Torment of Tantalus (50
Picture Gallery of the episode - Bloodlines (55 Images)
Picture Gallery of the episode - Brief Candle (30
Picture Gallery of the episode - The Nox (43
Picture Gallery of the movie - Stargate (21 Images)
My very own 'Chocolate Analysis'
Page on Sam Carter (sorry Sam, I'm getting there!! promise! LOL)
Page on Dr. Fraiser
Page on General Hammond
Page on Movie V's Series: Kawalsky (God, I loved that character!!!), Feretti, Catherine.
And other stuff as it comes to mind...... Just more offbeat waffling from me as well....
It's all going to get here.. eventually... I hope you can be patient with me :)
what other people have written |