Welcome to Morbia's Page!
Special Thanks to Nina for her Help in Finding Links!
Gerbil Power!
Most of my Buffy and X-Men links are courtesy of:
If you have a link that you'd like to see,
or any recommendations for other links,
e-mail me at: morbia_13@yahoo.com
Added some stories in Other People's Fanfiction:
Night of 100 Stars(Robert Black), A Brighter, Cold Moon(Zero), and Assignment:Buffy(Colonel Furry Palms).
And in My Fanfiction:
Consequences, Don't, and The Dreamer Wakes.
Coming Soon!!!
The Buffy Choose-Your-Own-Adventure!
The Gallery is no more!
Pictures are now located on my sister site.
Here's a shortcut:
The Gallery
The Fanfiction Archive
The Doyle Shrine
(Please take the time to pay your respects.)
Name This Boy
If They Went Crazy...
The Jokestring
X-Men Movie
The Links
My Sister Site
I have been asked to remove the applet which once graced this page because it crashed some computers...
...so if you want to see it, go here.
See the other applet from the gallery (before its removal) here.
Includes the Furby Hooker Network. A must see!
Assassin - Kill Celebrities
I think you can figure this one out. Go ahead. Play. You know you want to.
The Furby Autopsy
A how-to on disecting your annoying bundle of fluff and electronics. Very interesting, very funny.
Bunny Survival Tests
Vile, disgusting, and highly amusing tests on marshmallow bunnies. Fun for the whole family! See also the sequel, The Bunnies Strike Back.
This site is not, and I repeat, NOT pornographic. It is called "Crotch", but there is no nakedness or discussion of such. The crotch is an area of the human body, and that's hardly evil. That said, it's funny, go look.
The Buffy site for, um, the millenium, yeah that's it. (oh we're british give us a break!)
This is just funny. A Church of the Sombrero, Snyderama, the Truth about Xander, and, dare I say it....Buffydance!
The Collected Works of Shakespeare
This is great. The complete works of the Bard, use Ctrl-F to locate references and quotes... Very, very useful.
Delta Blues: The Reviews
This is a Star Trek: Voyager review page. I know, strange, but pretty damn funny. If you watch the show, and even if you don't, you should enjoy...
Vamps 'N' Slayers Archive
A new BtVS and Angel archive, including a few stories I haven't seen. It's still in the early stages, but navigable. Plus, the archivist is looking for new stories, so if you want some fic posted, give her a ring!
Clown Squad
Have Flash? If you don't, you should. If you do... Go to Clown Squad... It's a Flash-intesive virtual comic book...
................................About clowns...
...And you have to see it to believe it.
RT Ideas
Lots of little Flash thingies and Ticks for Photoshop. Lots of fun is had by all.
More cartoon movies! This one is in association with Amazon.com, interestingly enough, and it's pretty interesting. Check out the mean Santa 'Toon for a real giggle. Again, not necessarily great for children.
First let me say that I don't suggest this for kids. It's animation on a whole new level. Graphic Heavy!
Doonesbury Electronic Town Hall
Okay, I'm sure you've all heard of Doonesbury...and if you haven't, you've really missed out! Long-standing comic strip meets the information superhighway, make beautiful music together. Take a peek!
Urban Legends Guide
I'm sure we've all heard of the man with the hook who kills teens...AND the razors in Halloween candy...AND the disappearing hitch-hiker ghost... Well, for the truth behind these and other legends, take a look at the site!
The Complete Buffy Episode Guide
Yes, it's an episode guide, and yes, it's complete. There's a synopsis of the ep, with reviews and ratings and all of that fun stuff, as well as (and here's the fun part) a reference guide! For those of you who have no idea where Xander got the expression "Bogart the Cheesy Chips", here it is!
Judy Harris Home Page
I don't know who Judy Harris is, but she's got an interesting page. If you're looking for lyrics to obscure stuff like the "Super Chicken" theme song(like me), well, this is where I found them.
Hallopino Films
The site of the independant Hallopino Films. It's pretty amusing on its own, and as a special bonus, I'm in there somewhere, too.
A Decent Spot of Violence
Nenah and Wil's site--lotsa fun! Check out the fanfiction, do the quizlet, get your entire tour navigated by Spike and Dru(+ friends).
Since it seems to be a popular thing to do lately, I thought I'd add a guestbook, and here it is:
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
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