--Welcome to the Downs--

Mossflower Downs, that is!

A world of horses is right at your doorstep; a world inside Redwall MUCK upon w hich the horses on the MUCK get together and.. what else? Race!

Built not so long ago and still half into its building stages, it needs more horses to join- Come visit us.
Either have a character as a jockey and spoof a horse, or have a horse and spoof a jockey. This is a wonderful opportunity for the horse lovers of all MUCKS to come together and get to know each other, and just make a wonderful RPing opport unity!

Have questions? Connect to Redwall MUCK and contact myself, Abby. Check it out? Jump to #210221 while on the MUCK. What kind of races? For you who like draft breeds, there will be pulling conte sts. Thoroughbreds? Arabians? Quarter horses? Standardbreds? No problem! All are available! See below for various links to see around the place.

All hail the MUCK logs!! Take a look!

Links to other sites on the Web

Map of the stalls and backside.

Mossflower Downs and Abby (C) Tessa Mann. Please do not pass any of this off as your own. Redwall (C) the wonderful Brian Jacques.

© 1997 lekano2003@hotmail.com

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