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Name: Stuart Schneider I graduated from Fort Madison High School in 1994. After working during the summer to fill time, I entered into the Navy on 1994. After completing Boot Camp in Great Lakes, Illinois, I proceeded to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, Orlando, Florida. There I received Nuclear Power Training. After that lived in Saragota Springs, New York while continuing my training. I was then accepted to the Naval Academy, and allowed to goto the mid-year program its Prep School. I then entered the Naval Academy on 02 July 1996 where I am currently studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. After graduation I plan on going into the submarine service. My interests include watching Star Wars, and the X-Files, reading science fiction, fantasy and Tom Clancy books, going to movies, listening to music such as Dave Mathews Band, Hootie and the Blowfish, and Meatloaf, running, programming computers and playing on the internet. I am called Nixon For Prez on the ISCA BBS. To goto ISCA just telnet:\\bbs.isca.uiowa.edu |