Slayers Quater

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You are in MESSWORLD BASE 02

This is the 1.3 version. Last update: 29 Apr 2001.

Hello, all Slayers fans and those who don't know what Slayers is. What is Slayers?

This section is completed as promise. Thank you very much, dear supporters who have been reading my work.
This quarter contains my original fan fiction of Slayers. And in the future, if I get a decent scanner (now I have no scanner at all), I will put up my slayers fan pics.
You may ask, what is that great with this Slayers fan fiction? I will tell you now: mine is to give those who are addicted to Slayers a possible cure by writing a fan fiction that ENDS the story, and is at the same time suitable for those who had never watched Slayers or actually HATE Slayers.

Still befuddled? Read it yourself!

The Last Episodes of Slayers!(This fan fiction happened after Slayers Try)
ForewordFINISHED!(this section tells you about the characters and setting of the fiction)
Episode 1FINISHED!
Episodes 2-7 (Half synopsis)(Page 1)FINISHED!
Episodes 2-7 ((Half synopsis)(Page 2)FINISHED!
Page 3 of Half-synopsized Episodes 2-7FINISHED!
The last episode of Slayers (Part A)FINISHED!
The last episode of Slayers (Part B)FINISHED!
The last episode of Slayers (Part C)FINISHED

The Ending Theme of Slayers Try
The Building log of Slayers Quater
Back to MESSWORLD BASE 02 entrance

Disclaimer: The copyrights of Slayers (and all its character and music) are owned by Hajime Kanzaka, Rui Araizumi, Kodokawa Publishing Co., TV Tokyo, SOFTX etc., while the above fan fiction 'The Last Episodes of Slayers' is totally original (except the characters and some background settings) and work of 262501, the creator of MESSWORLD!! The fan fiction is not made to make any profit! And 262501 had tried to make the story consistent with all the Slayers TV series. 262501 had in fact watched all the Slayers TV series (for more than 2 times), and checked the background settings before wrting this fan fiction.

Enjoy yourself!

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