Last Episode of Shaman King
(Fan-ending for the SK anime)
Story last updated: 29/4/2004
On Yoh's 18th birthday, several of his friends, Tao Ren, Horohoro, Pilica, Manta, Ryu and Tamao gathered in the EN ONSEN hotel, where Yoh lived.
This fanfiction is a continuity of the anime of Shaman King, and takes details from manga if the anime didn't mention the concerned detail.
Remarks: English version of this work is mirrored in while a simplified Chinese version is hosted in EN.
At the End is the Beginning
(Fan-ending for the SK manga)
Story last updated: 16/6/2005
This comparatively shorter work (than the one on the left) is a serious speculation about the climax which Takei was not able to deliver, and therefore an attempt to answer the question "what happened between episode 285 and the 'Funbari no Uta'".
This fanfiction is therefore a continuity of the manga of Shaman King, and I've taken my best effort during the 9 months after SK was cut contemplating on the plot.
Remarks: Just the Chinese version from EN for the time being. The English version is still in the drafting stage (in the MESSWORLD forum).
Scene 1 中文版
English version
- Friends gather for Yoh's 18th birthday. Yoh fainted in front of all due to.... receiving a special present?!
Scene 2
English version
- Scene 1 again but from Anna's point of view. What could have made our brave and resourceful Anna so confused and frightened?
Scene 3
中文版 English version
- The group figured out Yoh's state and... HAO appeared?!
Scene 4
English version
- HAO explained why he could be there and dispersed a smell of... conspiracy?!
Scene 5
English version
- Revelation on being a "Shaman King".
Scene 6
English version
- Through HAO's mouth, what REALLY happened 1000 years ago was revealed... the gory and sad tragedy of Yoh-oh.
Scene 7
English version
- Shocking revelation about the truth about the famous book Chou-senjiryakketsu, the Patch, and Shaman Fight from HAO...
Scene 8
English version
- HAO's confession of his true desires. Why has no one understood HAO, who's just another human being?! And thrilling revelation on HAO's power (and identity)!
Scene 9
English version
- Revelation on the reincarnation process... Fate's uneven distribution of luck between the twins.
Scene 10
English version
- Why did HAO 'eat' Yoh's soul up? Explanation of the details of the fight between Yoh's group and HAO. Be amazed at HAO's wisdom!
Scene 11
English version
- Why could (soul of) Yoh escape back to his boday after being eaten by HAO? Was the 'last fight' just a drama with it's script written by HAO and led by HAO?
Scene 12
English version
- So what's so special about (the body of) Yoh? And more about HAO. What he knew, what he cared and what he treasured.
Scene 13
English version
- The secret of the Sacred Land of the Star, and Furyoku of several characters are revealed.
Scene 14
English version
- What?! The group just slept in the dining room? And what that HAO is trying to do??
Scene 15
English version HAO's song, "Heart" with melody
- HAO found the answer he had been finding for 1000 years and... sang?!
Scene 16
English version
- Night. All asleep. AND WHAT THAT HAO IS TRYING TO DO?! HAO's dream reviewed.
Scene 17
English version
- HAO finally understood the root of Yoh's strength, and more on the secrets of the Patch!
Scene 18
English version
- You get to know a little bit more about Anna's tragic past, and a peek at the group's dreams/nightmares!
Scene 19
English version
- Anna in Yoh's dream. And Anna was sacred away?!
Scene 20
English version
- Anna in Tamao and HAO's dream. HAO got hit because of his dream?!
Scene 21
English version
- The secret of the lengendary left and the return of an old friend of the twins.
Scene 22
English version
- Qualification of being a Shaman King revealed. (And you realize that HAO and Anna make the perfect XX pair...)
Scene 23
English version
- Continuing with the qualification of being a Shaman King. A BIG secret of Yoh is revealed!!
Scene 24
English version
- A chaotic scene caused by Yoh's secret!
Scene 25
English version
- The happy ending ^-^.
AKIDA Yamakusa 2003
Scene 1
English version(up!)
- Breakfast at Kalim's Plant. Yoh's reflection.
Scene 2
English version(Not yet up)
- The trip to the Throne of the Shaman King. Yoh's contemplation on the subject of revivication.
Scene 3
中文版(Not yet up)
English version(Not yet up)
- The climax. The twins of Fate met at the Throne. Every reaction determines a big difference in the future that is to come...
Scene 4
中文版(Not yet up)
English version(Not yet up)
- The deterministic but quite unexpected factor appeared, and things become settled for a while.
Scene 5
中文版(Not yet up)
English version(Not yet up)
- Hear-warming harmonic motion between the twin brothers.
Scene 6
中文版(Not yet up)
English version(Not yet up)
- The beginning at the end.
First of all, I need to express my sincere
thanks towards Wind from the MESSWORLD
forum for his numerous corrections on my
poor and unnatural English.
Secondly, I'd like to thank 262501 for the
final proofreading, and the idea that
It's very stupid for me to try to translate
my own work when I can just freely
write up the English version since I am
the original author and I know exactly
what I mean, instead of translating my
own work as if I'm not very sure what
the author means, so I have to translate
every word and sentence out carefully.
It was not until then that I realize that
I'd express the same idea in quite different
ways when the langauge used is different.
I guess I'd continue to do the English version
in the light of this idea, and people
who know both English and Chinese might be
interested in comparing the two versions.
I decided to write a proper ending to the
unfinished manga to celebrate the Asakura
twins' birthday, mainly because I feel
that I cannot really rest in peace with
the fate of the characters forever hanging
up at the critical point, and the stimulation
from a birthday celebration story by Asakura
IceFire of EN was the main trigger to my
surge to write this piece.
Originally, I'd like to wait for Mr. Takei
to finish off the story himself, but then
I realized that I cannot really wait any
If you have also read the anime ending by me,
you'd realize that I am holding several
beliefs yet unrevealed in the official
stories, and some of them are common to
both the manga and the anime.
I do admit that text and manga are very
different medium, in the way that with
different mediums, the point of view of
narration will unavoidedbly be tilted.
I hope you understand that the characters
do think a lot behind the scene, just that
they don't get the chance to throw up their
thoughts in front of the audience because
that's not Jump's style.
AKIDA Yamakusa 2005