Chromi the ChromosomeTM

!The hot new educational toy that all the geneticists are talking about
Chromi is a visual model used for:

Teaching genetic concepts:
*what a chromosome is
*mitosis,meiosis, segregation
*non-disjunction, chromosomal disorders, *inheritance

The perfect gift for:
*hard-to-buy-for genetic professionals
*genetic counseling students
*science teachers
*medical professionals
*advanced students

Experiences with Chromi:

"We received the new Chromi.   Very cute!  I like the colors. This new one doesn't have velcro but we didn't seem to miss it.  We had our first workshop last week with teachers of grades 5-8.  My colleague, who teaches about chromosomes used Chromi on a number of occasions to demonstrate principles.  Chromi is very useful as a demonstration aid and helped make concepts clearer to the teachers." 
    Megan Brown, Ph.D., Washington University.

"I just borrowed Chromi's from a friend to teach a 1st year community college lecture.  I used 2 volunteers from the class as mother and  father to demonstrate dominant & recessive inheritance (with a hair elastic around the one with the mutation) they were a big hit!!!! ...One student said that it was the best lecture they'd had all year, because it was interactive."
    Emily Glogowski, MSc, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer center.
Teaching Chromi Model: (shown above 6 inches long) is available at $5.00 each or $15.00 per set of 4, plus shipping. Each set comes in a plastic carrying case.

Click on mail-in order form below:

USA domestic orders ONLY

(New lower pricing as of 5/2005 for sets!)
Click here to print a mail-in order form:

Order Form
Send e-mail to:
Research studies creator of Chromi is currently involved with:

Gene hunt for
Hereditary Lung Cancer Susceptibility, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI.  Families with 3 or more blood related members, living or deceased, smokers or non-smokers, that have been diagnosed with lung cancer, may be eligible for this study.  No travel, no cost, phone interview and one-time blood draw at a local clinic or in-home mouth-wash sample.
For more info:
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 805901
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080-5901
For Genetic Lesson Plan Ideas:

This is a link to a wonderful site created By
Debra Collins, MS, CGC,
Director, Genetics Education Center
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, KS

Tax ID: 38-3702129
Chromi's mission:  To facilitate the general public's understanding of basic genetics and to promote the benefits of genetic discovery.

Thank you to Mary Meyer Corporation for helping with this endeavor.
Site revised 5/28/2008