
Wil's Home Page

a.k.a. other Nonsensical Fun

20000211 - OK changes abound... Moved the page history to a different page. If you are looking for my continuing saga of development here, just follow the link. More changes coming soon - stay tuned.

New house in the snow

20000309 - Hi again. Developed an SCA page to let you know where some of my extra-time-spent-not-working-on-the-joke-database was going. Hope you like it. More to come.

Please do check back in occassionally, and I promise to add some links that you probably have elsewhere, but maybe this will be the place you come to anyway.

I signed up on 10/03/98 21:29:50.

Upon further review, I will be adding a few other things here as well, including some of my other interests, specifically, SCA, shooting sports and off-roading (and oh, by the way, if you ain't in a Jeep, you are just trying real hard for second place).

This is where the footer infomation would go, but why would there be a footer? If it were really important, I woulda covered it up above, right?

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