The EAR LEAGUE Diablo Guild is a historic fact. I used to run the guild with the other ear league members. We were a PK guild that got points for every ear turned in to me. It was alot of fun but ended suddenly when I started playing Quake. Now, in the quakeworld, I'm known as WB-Wrath. WB standing for War Brigade. We are a quake clan that is gaining experience daily and hope to have a future in tournaments, wars, etc. If you like, visit the War Brigade page and get some info on our clan. As for this site, it probably won't be updated again, but is an archive for what a diablo guild was once about, a historic guild at that.

"The Ultimate Enforcers of Death"


The Hunt for Diablo is now further from your mind
than it has ever been, as you fall to the dungeon floor on the
brink of death. You raise your nearly dead hand to grasp that last
second of life, but fail. Standing over you is one of us, the takers
of life and the demigods of darkness. BEHOLD! You are another of
the countless number of victims desecrated by the EAR LEAGUE.
May your epitaph be signed in your own blood

"The Ambassadors of Evil"

Many have walked these halls with evil cascading
through their veins. The hour of honor is upon them. Once previous
diabolic whispers so faint now seem to have increased into screams
from within. Your time has come! The soulstone that once burned
with fury is now but an ember in the bottom of your heart. The day
to become whole again is upon us! Harness the power of the stone
and retrieve the might that you once held. Soak yourself in thy victim's
blood and bask in the glory of victory. Soon we shall celebrate as
brothers, as one entity, as one league. We will pride ourselves in the light
of the moon and roast the ears of our slaves in the campfires of hell!

We Shall Reign!

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