Welcome to the world of Duchovny!!!
Hey there:) Im sure you are here because you love David Duchovny! OR You are a member of DROOL or have seen a DROOL Link somewhere. Well unfourantly this is not the DROOL Website anymore, because I am not longer a member of the list. So I dont know any of the news of DROOL. This still though has tons of David pics, news and Links..so take a look around..the look of the website will be changing over the next few months..so keep checking back:)
I couldnt decide what pic to put up here....thus I put up all four *S*
Congratulations to David and Tea on the birth of their baby girl:) They named her Madeline West Duchovny..what a sweet name for a sweet baby:) Again I wish all the health and happiness to the whole duchovny family:)
Our Photo Gallary
Our Photo Gallary of NEWLY ADDED PICTURES*30 or so Pictures ADDED!
Links to other Xfiles sites
David Articles *Updated
David's Filmography
Click here to see if David will be on any late night Talk shows
Click here to see where you can find David on TV this month
David news *Updated.
Offical Movie website *Check it out if you have shockwave..its worth it *S*
Click here to find out how long it will be till David is 39 years old
New Links
Davids Astrology reading Click on here to find an Extensive reading of Davids Astrology. Then click around to find Astrology readings of other stars. AWESOME SITE:)
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This site was last updated August 19,1999