
a free kajiri

protected of
Master Killertrees

A kajira's World

please. let this girl introduce herself,
 she is called kinaa, once kinaa{DD}w of Darkhold first girl of DDarkholm,
her beloved Master

As often happens with Masters from other worlds, her beloved Master left one day, promising to return. This girl waited, In time the realization came, her Master was not to return. Her confusion was great, the depth of her despair deep.

As in the Gorean traditions she waited the appropriate
time. Seeking her Teacher, Master Killertrees, she begged him to remove
her collar.
After much consideration,
this was done. His protection was offered this girl and was
taken. She wears the yellow silks he gave her proudly.

thank you Teacher, for
your understanding and support
you will always have this girls' undying love and graditude


The story of her Beloved Master is part of this girl.
For now, it will stay

He one day saw her wandering in another world, lost and
Master DDarkholm became this girls friend, in time the Master of
her heart.
This girl stayed there with him, all the time her soul thirsting
for Gor. The day came when she could no longer live that life. She begged
him to follow. and there on Gor he saw....he finally
understood Following her to her world of Gor, he saw she was uncollared,
saw, and finally understood her need.
He did not kill, as was his right, instead he looked into
this girls heart, her soul. Knew she was his slave, he her Master. As he gently locked his collar on her neck, he said only 4 words MY KAJIRA, MY HEART
With those 4 words he bound this girl tighter than any
chains. Into his hands this girl gave her heart, her breath, her
soul. Into his hands this girl layed her life That girl is no more. Kinaa{DD} died today.
kiaa is reborn

  Come, enter our world

 Master Killertrees
friend, teacher, protector

 Master LordStar
friend and protector

Other favorite Places:
 LordRask of castles in the Skye
