Welcome to the SDDL!! We're glad you've stopped by, we are all here to worship that drool worthy babe David Duchovny!! The SDDL is basically another web page devoted to the awesome Mr. Duchovny. We decided to create another group just like the Duchovniks, David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade, and We Love David Duchovny. We did this because we were tired of constantly trying to become members of the many DD groups and being rejected because they've reached their member limit. SO!!! Why not create another group? And that's what this is!! So enjoy!
Well if you do take a peek at our DD Bio!!!
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The SDDL Photo Gallery is now up and running, we still have a few more pictures to add but everything is pretty much set.
The Gallery is divided into several sections:
You can by sending mail to him at:
David LOVES basketball, infact he's played on Princeton's b-ball team and even on MTV's "Rock n' Jock" team. His favorite team is the Knicks and he onced recieved such a hard blow to the eye that he almost lost his right one and still today it doesn't dilate correctly. He aslo likes baseball and has played for charity before. He will always love peotry and writing, one of his favorite poems is Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror by John Ashbery. He once told Movieline, "You can look at this poem for weeks, just weeks."
2. Does he have any pets?
He has a dog named Blue, who frequents the set of "The X-Files" with her master. Blue is the daughter of a dog that was featured in one of the episodes of the "The X-Files", called "Ice".
3. What are his vital stats?
6 feet tall
170 pounds
Brown hair
Hazel eyes
Mole on right cheek
Want to profess your everlasting
devotion to the man himself?
David Duchovny
c/o The X-Files Production Office
Building 10
110-555 Brooks Bank Avenue
North Vancouver, BC
V7J 3S5
***Email him care of Fox Broadcasting right here.
Put "The X-Files" in the subject to route it
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