Please click on the banner above.
Thanks to Sheep for the New Banner
If You like this page and would wish to support my page please copy the above
Buonty hunter banner (Not the Reptile one) and post it on your page with
a link to mine.Thanks.
Also if you havE any pictures or info that you feel would be worthy of
printing here Click here to mail me.
(Please dont send pictures in MIME format as i cant decode them)
Welcome To bounty Hunters Toy Page!>
I moved my page to this server for faster access and its easeir
for me to update.
Bookmark this page.It will stay here.
Please sign my new Guestbook! Click here!
By now you have noticed i havent updated for a long period of
Why you ask?Well toyfair just ended in Feb and everything new
comes out there so after it there is hardly any new news.
So i will update soon with what ever i can get but as of now
i got everything thats out.
Hi I Have put together a Huge Action Figure Newsletter
Covering :Star Wars,Wrestling,Toybiz,McFarlane,Custom Figures and Much Much more.Click Here To Subscribe.
Please note nothing is confirmed on this page unless
It says Confirmed next to it if it doesent it may or may
not be a rumer.
Now most of the new figure info will be on the Toyfair page.
This will be between now and March.
This is because all the new stuff being talked about now wont be
out till 1998 and will be shown at Toyfair.
And also by doing this by March I will have my page conversion
totally done like the Wrestling and Toybiz Page Indexed by topic.
I may still put some info on the pages but just check the New
Stuff added to see whats up.
Click Here for PRE TOYFAIR News!!!!!!!
For lots of figure info and Buy/Sell/Trade.
Go the #1 source the Newsgroups!
Try Rec.Toys.Action-FiguresFor Discussion of Action Figures and Related Accessories
(Click on above Rec.toys.action figures name to open the gruop automaticly!)
Secret Areas are now surfaceing.If you go to one of my pages
and it says secret area is here then look for the secret area on that page.
WWF Ripped and Rutless seris 2(Look below and on Toyfair)
Added 2/8/98
Look for new Star Wars pics tonight.
Added 2/7/98
Even More WWF pics
Added 2/6/98
More Jakks WWF pics
Added 2/5/98
New Jakks WWF Pics
Added 1/31/98
New Spawn and Star Wars pics.
Added 1/28/98
Batman Pics added to toyfair.
This news Creadit to Johnas4158@aol.com.
Toy Biz to Make New WCW Figures
Toy Biz has signed a long-term licensing agreement with World
Championship Wrestling to produce a wide varity of toys based on WCW wrestlers.The first series of action figures is set fora fall
release,with an extended line in the spring of 1999.I don't know how tall they'll be,but I'm guessing they'll be about 5 inches tall like most of Toy Biz's X-Men and Spider Man figures.
Next week, Raving Toy Maniac of Toymaniawill conduct a survey for Toy Biz to see what wrestling fans and action figure collectors want to see from the new line.Be sure to vote.
Confirmed Jakks to make Aundre the giant figure!See Pic below!
Now if any of the pics below are from someone elses site I will
add a link to the Pic so that if you click it it will go to their site.
Following Pics Curtesy of Zach2sweet@aol.com
Of Wrestling Mat Figures
New Ripped and Ruthless seris 2.
Kane,HBK,Sable,and HHH
I realley want this figure! if you have it for sale or even know
what it is please contact me.
New!Click on the Banners below to go to the Pages!
All new info will be on the Toyfair page between now and March.
Check out My Custom Figures!
This is where you go to get the menu of pages for Stuff from
Each Toy Companie like it was posted here before.
The Message Borads and Chat are here now.
Links and Phone #s for Toy Companies.
Please sign my Guestbook.
[Star Wars|Kenner and Hasbro|Misc|McFarlane Toys]
[Toybiz|WWF|Classified Ads|Links|Fans Rumers|Sale of the century|Phone Book(Toy Company Phone #s)]
Custom Figures| GuestbookMessageboards]
Do You want to be Notified when I update any of my Pages?
Well just Fill your e-mail in the form below and choose the
page form the Menu you want to be notified of the Update on
and press register.Its that easy.
I will also have Pics of Seris 6 in the next few weeks!
E-Mail Me.
I moved in September 97 hear to a new faster server.
When I moved I had 5982 now since I moved......
You are the
Person to be
captured by The Bounty Hunter!
This page is 1/3 of the
To get the nets Best Star Wars News Letter by Adam PawlusClick Here!
For the best Action Figure magazine check:
Tomarts Action Figure Digest magazine!.
Check out Sheeps Toys the best site for figure info and pics on the net.
Sheeps Toys
Check out Universe777 for a photo archive of new and Old action figures.
(Dune,Alien,M.U.S.C.L.E,Ect.) Check it out.
Thanks to Sheep Toys for this Award.
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