01/26/04: PKI is coming... *bows to Kalidor*.
Last Update:

Original Art
Original Characters
- Created for the purposes of the Character Monthly Artist's eXchange
(CMAX), it lists most of Ukchan's original character. Includes sample
images, descriptions, and full bios (where availible).
- Character
Exchange - This page includes the results of artist exchange's (like
MCX, CMAX, or RHCC) that Ukchan has been in.
- Ukchan's
Elfwood Gallery - Link goes Zone, link to Fanart and Lothlorian are there
- Cavalier's
Elfwood Gallery - Link goes Zone, link to Fanart is there
Cavalier's (Artemis Prime) Transformers site. Includes both original
and fan art by Cavalier. The fan section is for her Transformers obsession,
containing both art and an in-depth, fanfiction universe spanning from
the original series (G1) to its modern day spin-offs, Beast Wars (Beasties)
and Beast Machines.
- The Art
Gallery - Cavalier and Ukchan's artwork, from Gargoyles, to anime,
to Transformers, and more! Holds all of our older (early 2000 and
before) artwork.
Anime/ Comic Related
- Ukchan's Gundam Wing Fan Archive. What do you get when you cross werewolves,
vampires, witches, and a bunch of dangerous young mobile suit pilots?
Something very intriguing...
- An online RPG with different vision of the furture of Nerima.NEW SITE!!!
- Yakumo Fujii. Ryouga Hibiki. Inu-Yasha. Van Fanel. Yamato Ishida.
Duo Maxwell. What do these guys have in common? They're all members
of the Ring. Mini-Shrines In to go to the Ring hub.
- Mercedes (Ukchan) has adopted four characters from the Live-In-Anime-Character
adoption agency. Check it out! Includes bios and pictures, plus a link
to the agency.
Mighty Mutanimanls/TMNT fansite, run by Cavalier. Includes MM artwork,
and the beginnings of a fanfiction series, plus character bios and original
scans from the short-run comic series. On hold indefinately.
- Links
- Website links that didn't fit in any of the other sections.
- Webrings
- Rings that we're members of. Includes cliques, too. Warning:
Image Heavy.
- The
Champion Eternal Fanfiction Ring - A webring run by Cavalier. For
those sites with fanfiction universes that focus on the Champion Eternal
theories founded by Michael Moorcock, author and song-writer [Closed indefinately]