<b><I>My§trygal's Land of Enchantment</I></b>
My§trygal's Land

This page was last updated Feb.1998

Hi, thanks for visiting my page. Sorry if it's pretty barren right now, but I'm just getting started with this HTML stuff. My name is Raye and I would like to welcome you to my land of enchantment. As you can tell, I collect unicorn's. Please visit the other sites, they are great!

Now let me tell you a little more about myself. I live in Kansas, better known to us as OZ. I don't know the where abouts of Toto, so please don't ask! I'm 5'10,weigh 135#, have green eyes, reddish brown long hair and I can be very mischievious! I am currently a nursing student, in my RN year of the program. I enjoy sports of all kinds, basketball, volleyball, softball, horseback riding and last but not least jujitsu. I would like to skydive one day, but as of yet have not had that opportunity. My favorite thing to do in my spare time is chatting in the chathouse. You can find me bantering about in the Sun Spot, with the likes of my Sis's, Chatwench, American Woman and Nova. Other's include Pitguy32, LT1, valeska, Spnshfli, DR. Mark, Mighty Mouse, Spot's Knight in Shining Armor, Grayson, Graham, Kelli, bunganut, wonderer, Captain, cute 1973, Kiersten, Greybeard, midnight sunshine, Auggie123, Wascally Wabbit, Nascar,Vlad, and all the other Spot regulars. Sorry guys if I missed any you, let me know and I'll correct this oversight.

I have love to write, and thanks to chatting in the house, my typing has greatly increased *LOL* I write poetry as well as writing songs. I have a whole notebook full of what I've written. Currently I am working with a couple of neat guys at Big Round Records in Dodge City. Thanks Alan & Kim, you guys are the greatest. You have helped me at least embark upon a dream, that I thought might never come true. *Hugs&Kisses*

A truly special friend I have met on the net is my friend Beldar. I can't say enough about him. If you should ever need a shoulder to cry on (and I've done this often) look him up. He always has wise words of wisdom, if you need them as well as a listening ear. I love you my friend! *H&K*

Oh, and should you ask what the mystry is?

It is the dim haze of my§try that adds enchantment to pursuit!

My Favorite Places to Roam

My Favorite Chatsite!!!
My Favorite Room, The SunSpot!!!
The SunSpoter's Homepage!!!
Enjoy a Mystical Quest!
The Unicorn's Meadow
Adriana's Unicorn Page
PEPSI's HP, a wonderful school chum!
Music Plus!

Email: mystrygal@hotmail.com

Special thanks to JojoBoy for the homepage help! :)

Smacks of Romance! Daily Romantic Idea by Lovestories.com

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