And the #1 way to detect STCCG players easily in a crowd...
1. Follow the mass of bodies heading for Virginia. :)
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Star Wars and Rogue Squadron!The story of Star Trek/Wars as
you've never heard or seen! (nor would you want to)
Here are some of my recommendations for sites to visit on the Web!
Kedanya Station, a online forum for discussing, trading, and playing STCCG online!
Decipher's Star Trek CCG Headquarters!
Rogue 21's Web Page!
Star Trek Trivia!
Visit Star Trek's home, Paramount Productions!
Star-Fleet Online! Roleplay aboard a starship in an online community of Trek fans!
All Star Trek insignia, references, pictures and names are property of Paramount Pictures, Inc.
They have in no way authorized the use of their material in this publication.
All Star Wars insignia, references,
pictures, and names are property of Lucasfilm, Ltd. They in no way have authorized the use of their material in this publication.
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