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Welcome to this web site!

This is the home page for Kenneth J. Sliviak.
also known as "The Havelock Cavalry"

Welcome to my website. This site, like my life, is a wide range of chaos. Feel free to look around at the many different aspects of this page.

If you are new to this site, or would just like direction on what to see while you are here feel free to visit my directory which will show you the different regions of this site and what you can see there.


I got a little board with some things, so I opted for some remodeling. As you can see the main page has a new look, and I also changed the apperance to my reenacting section of Area 52. Hopefully once I get my act together I will add a lot more to this site. For now at least there is a new work in Mindprobe and pictures for my Civil War Reenacting section. Comming soon to the American Civil War Reenacting section of Area 52 the addition of the ACWSSU! What is the ACWSSU well you will just have to stay in touch to find out.

Update 11/15/01! "The Letch of Salem" is finished! Read it!
It is a great story and it took me a long time to write it. I am very pleased with the results.
When you do read it just watch out for yellow birds, and those little Puritan girls. I hear the girls are getting finger happy, if you know what I mean! If you do find your self in trouble just remember the old Puritan witchcraft equation; confession=life.

Quote of the Month

(Heck it is a new feature so why not?)

Dr. Zauis from Beneath the Planet of the Apes
"Help you? Man is evil capable only of destruction!"

Click on Meg to learn more about me.

Click here to enter Area 52

Click here to enter Mindprobe.

Click the Highlander for the Scott Robert's Art Gallery!

many people have visited my site

This site was created with the help of my good friend
"Sir" James O'Donnell, who taught me everything I know about high-tech code thingeys.
Click on the REALLY COOL SWORD to see his site.

Please come back soon and visit me.

The description of my page is:
About me
About my intrest
Things that I have written


Please come back soon and visit me.

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