"You will be! you WILL BE!..."-Yoda
"Away with your weapon, I mean you no harm!"
"You are Reckless!"
If you are an Eng Sci CLICK HERE - if you aren't an Eng Sci.. you may not survive clicking there.. go HERE instead.
The story about Fred who has hair on his head is here! Please access it from the appropriate section in Fred's page.
-And other hate mail related creative ritings (spelt wrong on purpose)
Thank you for visiting! Please try the survey found at the bottom of this page. Here is some General information and rantings of mine.
OH, what a bonus... some Stupid thoughts
Coming soon :
Read about the "FLAMAN" affair
Additional pages as soon as I remove some old junk from here :
Joanna's page
Terry's page
Terry and Joanna's page
Norm's Page
Candice and Chris's page
(Gee I'm ambitious)
and so forth...
But for now, just amuse yourself with my definition of EVIL.. well, one of many anyway..
And here's my definition of 'Adjustment required'
The greatest country in the world!
Hal-9000 Dave's Page!
Tidbits that have NOTHING TO DO WITH SF : 
It's the story about Fred who has hair on his head!
Brian's page!
(watch out for side winders)

Come to the Darkside!

Links to other sites on the Web
A cool site that has pictures of the new X-wing vs. Tie fighter game!
MOIST!!! (includes video feed)
Altavista-The BESTEST search engine!
Explore the world around you with Discovery channel's site
hit list (darkside):
ENG SCI!!!!!
INIMOSLEG (Yeah I know.. but I really dislike her)
Dimitrevsky (Trust me.. this guy is darth vader!)
THE bitch
UKE's in general
KK (and other 5atan children)
Mr. America (for procrastinating so much)
Some others include :
(you know who you are)
and how about those supposed "Theoretical Physicists", what use are they anyways?
Light siders :
All those who will join me in the valiant fight against the evil emipre and it's evil overlord William Gates (unfortunately, this includes macs)
Woohoo! you're #
Would you like to send me E-mail?alter_ihygo@geocities.com
[Rantings|Canada!|Fred's page|dave's page|thingys(smashing pumpkins)|STAR WARS!|Fraud's page|Oh, just a survey]
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