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Welcome to the 17th Skye Rangers, 2nd Battalion site.
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Goto links for a link to it.
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The 17th Skye Rangers are a regiment in the mighty house of Steiner. I am HKom. Shoot*17SR2*-BXO the Executive Officer of the 17th Skye Rangers 2nd Battalion.

I hope you have a good connection because this site is graphics intensive, but I have taken all considerations to minimize transfer times.

Now hold on were going into the Abyss...
Battalion Commons. What's going on in our Battalion?
Rosters. Where am I? Who are you? What do you mean your my commander?
Maps. THis looks like a good place to setup camp.
Files. Maybe this is important? Nah...
Links. From one place to another. Oh look its some Mariks!
Soon to come: 17SR "Boys of Summer" Kali Steiner Registry area. Working on Shockwave components so get Shockwave.

If you havent yet, sign my guestbook!
Look to see who few have signed it.
Click here to go back to my home page
E-mail me at:
Here is a packet of fonts you may want. Just copy this to your windows fonts directory and run the file.
(Makes this site look better)

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