Paul '' Jones
Many thanks to Golgotha for the image!
Congratulations!  You have found your way to the home page of Paul Jones, aka Smeg. Never mind, better luck next time :)
Just in case you really meant to get here, and it wasn't just a mistake, then welcome to my little home on the web. It's here that I hope to have some links that might be of interest to you, some pictures that you might enjoy. Maybe even other stuff that you'll like, who knows? 
The page of many pictures.
It is at this page that I have my image gallery up. There are pictures of me, my friends and other strange people that I happen to know. 
The Bodyart page.
This is my page dedicated to bodyart, here you will find links to quite a few bodyart related places on the net. 
The Links Page.
A page with nothing but links to various sites on the net covering loads of things. Mostly stuff from my bookmark. 
The Crap Page.
This page is full of images I just wanted to put on the net. Nothing special.

My Guestbook.
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