As our story unfolds, Omar Latiri is now employed at Building Evaluation Services and Technology (BEST) as a word processor, after a stay at American University and Montgomery College (after a much-needed leave-of-absence from the very overrated Boston University). He hopes to finish his degree in television and/or film writing. He is a grand champion of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon."
Born on 6 November, 1975, the son of a Tunisian father and a Filipina mother, the young Latiri was surrounded by a high level of family values which are now disappearing from today's society, such as love and respect for ones parents and the desire to stay away from illicit intoxication. Being of mixed heritage, he developed a knack for languages, understanding of different cultures, and a type of hair that cannot seem to be controlled without massive gallons of hair spray and shellac.
Much to his parents' regret, the young Latiri was introduced to the medium known as television. This highly addictive form of entertainment was instrumental to the desire to entertain others. Along with a talent for music, and a quick wit, an artist began to flourish.
Unlike other artists, Omar never found the need to create works that brought sadness. Inspired by listening to comedy and fueled by the desire to make people laugh, he did his best in attempting to satisfy as many as possible. This led to a belief that all's well that ends well.
Omar Latiri is currently living in Germantown, Maryland.
Interesting tidbits:
Favorite films: "The Fugitive" "Crimson Tide"
Favorite supermodels: Cindy Crawford, Angie
Least favorite music: jazz
Favorite TV shows (here we go):
to other sites on the Web
Latiri's Star Trek Spelling List
Star Wars Spelling FAQ
The Official Star Trek Website
The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5
Roger Ebert's Movie
The homepage of decathelete Jordan Rose
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