Home of 101.7 FM - WULF Radio

Actual Content:

    · Low Power FM Transmitter
    · MP3 Playlist, stuff you might hear on the Netcast
    · Scum Email address list

Listen to my netcast at is up 24/7 now.

New 5/28/2000 Got bored, updated the page. Added clear links to the little content on this page. Started working on the Top Secret Project *evil grin*.
New 3/18/2000 Well, Maybe I'll put something new up here sometime...got any suggestions? Email me
I am also planing on getting a new handheld wideband reciever, currently considering the Icom R2 because its fairly cheap and gets the job done (the Canadian version is even better ;). Email me if you have any experience with this radio or other recievers to consider, I would really appreciate it.
New 2/8/2000 My netcsat is now up 24/7. Listen in at with winamp or your favorite streaming MP3 decoder thingymajigbobber. I've got less than a forth of my music uploaded so there is more variety to come.
New 1/09/2000 The instructions for making a low power FM page is here!

Contact info:

ICQ: 42763604, If I am in a good mood I wont ignore you.
Email: Bewolf@geocities.com I check this account maybe once a week so don't expect much.

This page is 100% Java/JavaScript, blinky text, annoying stuff, and fat free. New low sodium version coming soon, stay tuned!
This page made with Notepad, and only Notepad. If this page doesnt look right on IE, too bad, get a real browser.
All spelling errors are the fault of your modem, turn error correction on.