Creating order out of LegoŽ chaos

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A Lego fan page dedicated to my Creations & Ruminations in ABS James Jessiman Memorial page WinnerCool Lego Site of the Week
July 13-19

My Legoverse is definately not filled with "good guys".

On the contrary, my little corner is predominately malevolent. My creations are crewed by bio-mechanical constructs of a shadowy, reclusive race. This race of beings are waging an all-out, take no prisoners war with the "good guys" (represented by my nephew, Matt).
In this struggle, they use proxies to do thier fighting, bio-mechanical androids known as ACM's (Autonomous Combat Mech's). These combatants are true androids, with mechanical bodies and biological brains. They are of limited intelligence, using the brains of some lower level lifeform, but they are ruthless fighters!
Sort of flying & fighting idiot savants. : )
The vehicles I build are of primarily one type: small, fast fighters. I'll let others build large starships and bases. In my universe they have a name for those...... TARGETS

Legoverse Force Review
A tour of weapons of mass destruction on a minifig cosmic scale...
Legoverse Air Page! Legoverse Space Page! Legoverse Assault Page!

See Instructions Online! To Fly,
To Fight,
To Build!
Access the
Central Technical
Blueprint Repository
See Instructions Online!

Non-Legoverse Models
Goto Star Wars Page
Goto Star Trek Page
Goto Mil-Spec Model Page

Watch For Falling Bricks

WHAT'S NEW?... Had to move all the stuff below out of the "what's new" section. Now its what's not-so-new :-) Here is what's really new....

AH-64A Apache Prototype Helicopter
E-Wing Instructions for LDraw!

ONGOING FEATURES... Here is the recently added stuff....

ACM Assault Drop Ship on the Legoverse Assault page!
Star Wars: FreiTek, Inc. E-Wing Starfighter
Mil-Spec Series: F-15 Eagle Fighter
Star Trek: Microscale Enterprise
Star Wars: Slayn & Korpil B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighter
Hilt & ACM Exp Fighters on the Legoverse Space page!
Added Scorpion Attack Fighter on the Legoverse Space page!
Added two of four new models to the Legoverse Air page!
Added final two models to the Legoverse Air page!
Just for fun! A cool little buggy.
Just for fun! What Technic figs do when nobody is around. :-)
Comments Page - Online Ranting! - What's Good or Bad about this site?
Read what others have said! - Read the Rants!

The Legoverse was the Cool Lego Site of the Week award winner for July 13-19, 1997. Thank you to all who voted - and even those who just thought about voting :-)
Bored of my page? Tired of clicking on my links? Well, right after you leave a comment on my Rants page, go to the CLSotW page and vote for the next cool page! And check out all the outstanding past winners sites available there.

Read the full text of the CLSotW Legoverse review here.

Cool Links!
LegoŽ renderings by
Anton Raves (Really Outstanding Work)
The Program used to create instructions - LDraw
The Lego Maniac's Search EngineFind LegoŽ stuff here!
Fibblesnork! Backgrounds, Ratings, take the Survey!

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This page is not, of course, approved/supported/endorsed/affiliated or otherwise connected in any way with the company known as LEGOŽ All are encouraged to visit the official LEGOŽ web site.
Comments? suggestions? Feedback of some sort? Hello! anyone out there?

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Last Updated 10/30/97
Š1997 - Terrell Keller
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