Calydor's Firebringer Oasis

Hail, fellow unicorn traveller, stop a while and rest your weary hooves and graze and drink a while at my oasis. I am Calydor, Battle Prince of IFAS and this is my personal oasis on the wide virtual plains of the internet. I apologise for the undelevoped state of my oasis, but I am hoping to change that, with the aid & illumation of Alm'harat's thousand, thousand eyes. This site is mainly devoted to Meredith Ann Pierce's wonderful firebringer triology and I hope shortly to be putting up several pages on this and the sociey which I lead, IFAS. However I am hoping to put up some other pages - including a page of links to fellow unicorn lover's page and hopefully a page about me and my friends and relations. For now, I sense you are need in of rest, so stay and enjoy the few links I have....

**** Work in major progress ****

last updated Sunday, 27th February, 2000

Links to other sites on the Web

Check out Rhyenna's tribute to the fabulous firebringer trilogy
Check out the dalnet IRC network
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Aljan, the Dark Moon
Check out the bad horsie list!
Check out my Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Page
Information about IFAS, the International Firebringer Appreciation Society
Check out the Arcane Realms, my new page devoted to Magic & Mayhem - Mythos Games' New PC RPG/Strategy Game

Check out my firelizards !

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