Andrew Saeger

4022 Burt St.

Omaha, NE 68131

Home: (402) 558-0545 / Cell: (816) 244-0858



Career Objective:

To serve as a resident hall director followed by progressively higher positions in residence life and student discipline en route to an appointment as chief student affairs officer at a small, private college or university.



University of Missouri (MU), Columbia, MissouriMaster of Arts (2006)

¨       Degree Program: Dept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis – Higher and Continuing Education with focus in Student Affairs Administration

¨       GPA: 3.79 / 4.00

¨       Graduate Assistantship as Director of Residential Life at Westminster College

¨       Graduate Assistantship as Career Resource Assistant at Central Methodist University

University of Missouri (MU) School of Law, Columbia, Missouri – 2003-2004

¨       GPA: 75.8 / 100

¨       Class Rank: Top 2/3 (34th percentile)

Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU), Maryville, Missouri – Bachelor of Arts (2002)

¨       Major/Minor: Philosophy/Computer Science

¨       GPA: 3.65 / 4.00 (Cum Laude)

¨       Member and officer of student governmental bodies, member of university committees.

¨       Inducted into six honorary societies

¨       Presidential Scholarship of Merit (1996-1999)

¨       President’s/Academic Honor Roll (Fall 1996-Spring 2000)


Employment History:

Student Affairs Experience:

¨       Central Methodist University, 9/2005 – 12/2005, Fayette, Missouri
As Career Resource Assistant, assisted the Director of Career Services by creating various documents and publications, researching and contacting potential student employers, and contributing to the planning and production of annual career fair.

¨       Westminster College, 8/2004 – 6/2005, Fulton, Missouri
As Director of Residential Life, oversaw daily residential life operations for an on-campus population of approximately 500 students including room assignments, check in/check out, and opening and closing buildings; supervised sixteen resident advisors and three apartment coordinators (all undergraduates); resolved roommate conflicts; fielded parent issues; and served as judicial officer for eight freshman and upper classmen residence halls.

¨       Westminster College, 1/2005 – 5/2005, Fulton, Missouri

As Student Activities Intern, acted as assistant advisor to Inter-Fraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, and Student Government Association; attended various student meetings and functions.

Education Experience:

¨       NWMSU Physics Dept., Aug. 2000-May 2002, Maryville, Missouri
As teaching assistant, taught and assisted teaching astronomy laboratory classes.

¨       NWMSU Computer Science Dept., Jan. 1999-May 1999, Maryville, Missouri
As teaching assistant, assisted in teaching computer programming classes and graded tests and assignments.

Library Experience:

¨       University of Missouri Law Library, Aug. 2003-Dec. 2003, Columbia, Missouri
As student assistant, operated computer lab, circulation desk, and reserve room.

¨       NWMSU Academic Computing Dept., Oct. 1998-May 2002, Maryville, Missouri
As student assistant, maintained multiple computer labs and solved software and hardware problems for library patrons.

Retail Sales Experience:

¨       J. C. Penney, Oct. 2006-Present, Omaha, Nebraska
As sales associate, performed cashiering, sales, stocking, and customer service duties.

Casino Gaming Experience:

¨       Isle of Capri Casino, Dec. 2003-July 2004, June 2005-Oct. 2006, Boonville & Kansas City, Missouri
As table games dealer, conducted blackjack, roulette, and carnival poker games.

¨       Harrah’s Casino and Hotel, Mar. 2001-Dec. 2003, North Kansas City, Missouri
As cage cashier, sold and redeemed chips and tokens, completed jackpot requests and table fills, provided change for dining and retail outlets, and completed regulatory paperwork.
As slot host, sold slot tokens, paid jackpots, filled and repaired slot machines.

¨       St. Jo Frontier Casino, May 2000-Sept. 2000, Saint Joseph, Missouri
As barback/bartender, stocked multiple bars, mixed and served drinks.
As table games dealer, conducted blackjack and carnival poker games.


Leadership Activities:

Faculty Senate Committees (NWMSU):

¨       Parking Advisory Committee
As student member, participated in decisions regarding parking privileges, policies, usage levels, maintenance, and design of new parking facilities.

¨       Student-Faculty Discipline Committee
As senior student member, participated in policy decisions and student hearings.

¨       Student-Faculty Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee
As student member and three-term chairman, participated in and oversaw written and personal appeals from students and faculty members of parking and traffic violations.

Residence Hall Association (NWMSU):

¨       As Secretary/Treasurer, recorded minutes, maintained group budget, and processed payments.

¨       As Policies Chairman, chaired committee meetings, revised the organizational constitution, and completed a survey project culminating in policy proposals to the Residential Life Department.

¨       As Hall Representative, represented residence halls and attended national leadership conferences.

Franken Hall Council (NWMSU):

¨       As President, presided over meetings, planned programs and events, and worked closely with the Hall Director to plan the operation and future of the hall council.

¨       As Treasurer, maintained the organizational budget.

Student Senate (NWMSU):

¨       As Financial Affairs Chairman, presided over organizational funding request hearings.

¨       As Policies Chairman, oversaw the revision and publication of the Student Government Constitution, the Student Senate bylaws, and other internal policies.

¨       As Parliamentarian, ensured that meetings were run according to Robert’s Rules of Order and provided training in parliamentary procedure.

¨       As On-Campus Representative and Junior Class Representative, acted as a voting representative.


References available upon request.