Kinslayer's Realm of Chaos

Home of...

Drake's Pub

Greetings mortals....

Welcome to KinSlayer's Realm of Chaos; the home of Drake's Pub.

I am KinSlayer, also known as Sir Drake or Draco. This is my Realm, the realm of the new Renaissance. Within this realm exists a place called Drake's Pub. It is in this place that you, the weary cyber-traveller, can experience a bit of the Renaissance Faire life.
One of my favorite hobbies is to attend various Renaissance Faires. Now, in Drake's Pub, you can become a part of the Renaissance Faire Experience. Here you will find Renaissance Faire pictures, information, recipes, and links to many other related sites.
I hope you enjoy your visit to Drake's Pub here in the Realm of Chaos.


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