Welcome to the wacky world of the Society of Odd! I hope you're ready for some oddness because this is where you'll find it. Anyways, welcome to the home of Odd, and we hope ya'll enjoy your stay. Feel free to check out the various nooks and crannys of our home.Horny Adolescent Males this is for YOU....Everybody else can go here too...
David Dorris's Wonderful Useless Information Corner
The loooong awaited Dorris Corner
Interested in Chodes????
Links to all kind of neat places that ODD loves.
Some really good, deep, odd poetry that your sure to love!!
Go To Poetry and our Literature page!!
Johnny and his dad at the beach! More miscellaneous pictures Christmas Break Pictures at Jonesy's!
Like X-Com as much as we do? Then get some....... X:Com Ufo Defense Programs!
Well the day has finally come, the Odd home homepage is being updated...Excited?
I knew you would be..What am I going to add?
Not quite sure yet...
Just keeping chekcing back for more updates will ya?
42. Honk!
Wanna make free money? Yeah i know you've probably heard it all before,
but seriously I've made $60 bucks just surfing.
Here are the money making links(in order of mostest money to be made)
You really do make $5 bucks when you sign-up...:)
Odd Loves Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew
the soft drink of Champions!!
Last Modified November 26, 2000 C.E.
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