This was one of my first attempts at a website and was intended to be a simple link site to areas featuring the Doctor's companions. However, the updating of it has proved so time-consuming, I have decided to change it to a fiction site featuring the Doctors friends. Thus, I am on the lookout for stories which involve characters from the series but NOT the Doctor. The tales may set at any time in the characters life - before, during or after their travels with the Time Lord. They may interact with other characters or creatures from the programme (can anybody find a way of interacting Steven Taylor with Jo's King Peladon, for example?), or they may be divorced from the programme altogether. Cross-overs with other TV programmes will be considered - Mel with the 60's TV Batman, Steven in Thunderbirds, Zoe in Corrie, Ace on Have I Got News For You?????!!!! And can anyone out there get a companion into the universes of Assimov, Clarke, Heinlein, etc.? How is Peri getting along with Ycarnos, Mel with Glitz and what is Bamberra up to these days? Any character who has appeared in more than one story (with the exception of Grace) and can be considered a friend of the Time Lord is a candidate for inclusion. So fire up your imaginations, light the blue touch paper and stand back - if I like, it's in!

Susan (No stories yet!) Ian (No stories yet!) Barbara (No stories yet!) Vicki (No stories yet!) Steven (No stories yet!) Katrina (No stories yet!)
Sara (No stories yet!) Dodo (No stories yet!) Polly (No stories yet!) Ben Jackson (No stories yet!) Jamie (No stories yet!) Victoria (No stories yet!)
Zoe (No stories yet!) Liz (No stories yet!) Jo Grant (No stories yet!) Sarah Jane (No stories yet!) Harry (No stories yet!) Leela (No stories yet!)
Romana (No stories yet!) Adric (No stories yet!) Nyssa (No stories yet!) Tegan (No stories yet!) Turlough (No stories yet!) Peri (No stories yet!)
Mel (No stories yet!) Ace (No stories yet!) Grace (No stories yet!) Lethbridge-Stewart (No stories yet!) K9 (No stories yet!) Kameleon (No stories yet!)
Benton (No stories yet!) Glitz (No stories yet!)
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