General links I like, no matter what persona I'm using
Parenting Sites
Environmental Sites
Mothering Magazine
The Pagan Parenting Page

Healthy Child
Greenpeace Canda
David Suzuki Foundation
Sierra Club of BC
Pagan Sites
Other Sites
The Witches' Voice
Pagan Search Engine
OkPagans' Cafe
Simple Living - newsletter
Comments? something not working?  contact me at
background graphics by
updated November, 2004
Whitewolf storyteller ideas
Who am I?
This site's gone through a few changes over the past few years, and now it's back to being my main site.  Sigh.
This used to be known pretentiously as the Cityworld of Dakketh.  However, I simply never got around to making it into anything that I wanted to, and so now it's back to being a personal site, the ins and outs of Me, my various online selfs, which are mostly various names I use to delineate the different areas of my life.
The 'mundane' me is online as ShimmerKat.  I'm  a mother, a wannabe writer, a fan of coffee meets, RPGs & Sci-Fi Cons, and a reader of books.
The spiritual me is Perchta, a taoist, a pagan, a lover of nature, a mystic and all sorts of fun stuff.
I already have a separate area set up for all of this, so go visit!
by Pui Mun Law
ShimmerKat Links

Holly (coming soon)
My Bio
Fox Nap by Pui-Mun Law
Bits saved from the cityworld of dakketh