Welcome to my homepage. My name is Erkcan. I used to be a student in Middle East Technical University, in Ankara, Turkey. Having graduated with BS degrees in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Physics, now I am a PhD student at Stanford University, CA - Department of Applied Physics. My field is experimental HEP and I work at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. If you want, you can learn more about me. This was planned to be only a test release (has been so for more than 5 years - I don't really know when I'll sit down and design a real webpage). If you have any comments, please feel free to write.
Zwi's Top Three in ...
Some selections from Amazon
TED'95 - TED Ankara Koleji 95 Mezunlary´
This page is completely in Turkish...
And for all my friends from METU EE:
I am sorry I had to cut your year-book excerpts. So here there are the full versions... Yillik yazilari...
Most recent updates:
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Entertainment Area
What do we do at METU? Views from a Soccer Match
I am a member of the Bilkent Balroom Dances Club. Here is a list of dance figures we have worked on.
Our photos at BBDC.
And here comes the party photos at Turkish American Association (only 2).
A compilation of Star Wars characters - under construction
Traffic Rules
Semiphysical answers to weird questions... (Compiled from the net)
Phizikcinin female strange attractorleri uzerine yazisi... :)
How is grad-life at Stanford? Piled Higher & Deeper
A dish from the Turkish quizine: Hunkar Begendi
Some midi files from movies and TV series (zipped).
YENI GEYIK: Email ile gelen geyiklere Erik'in yorumlari. :)
Science and Tech Area
See how I spent my EE447 Microprocessors course -
Infinity on MC6800
Here is a 15-page review of quantum algorithms I have written for my PHYS710 Quantum Computation course: Zipped Word 97 file.
My EE444 Computer Networks term project: Talkie 1.0 - A basic spilt-screen DOS-based talk program. (Along with C++ code).
EE 610 (MEMS) Lecture Notes: 1 2
List of Acronyms for Computer Networks
IEEE Code of Ethics
See the Bucknell Handbook on Verilog HDL. It is very useful...
Do you know of The Russell-Einstein Manifesto?
Why don't you help in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence?
[ See my certificate here... :) ]
RPG Area
AD&D players and DMs: See Zwitterion Quanta and his unique spells...
Or without reading much, use Zwi as an NPC.
More unique spells: Planned Spells (Not confirmed yet)
Another page: House Rules for AD&D
Some cursed items are pretty: A few nasty trinkets
And now a Planescape creature: Rea-fiend
Proceedings in Modern Alchemy and Metaphysics
... Being an article by Zwitterion Quanta on how AD&D (2nd ed) works :)
Parts of Zwitterion's Chronicles (09/26/01)
3rd edition Prestige Class: Wild Mage (12/13/01)
The History of The Circle - Being our group's history (Word 97, zipped)
Preface, Foreword and an Excerpt from the Journals of Lord Termit (3rd ed. character sheet, 05/20/01)
Soubar's Constitution as written by Lord Termit and Royal Wizard Zwitterion Quanta (12/12/01)
The Banisher - Termit's Intelligent Sunblade
Lyrar's Hold - The Basic Plan of Termit's castle at Soubar
Turbulent - The githyanki cruiser we captured.
And here are the group members; beginning with my friend Scarter of Waterdeep
This is me again: Zwitterion.doc (most recent, 8/9/1999, Word 7, zip file)
An update proposal to 3rd edition: Zwi_3rd.doc (uploaded 10/2/2000)
Zeus The Warhammer of Tempus - Being the party's barbarian... (New 3rd ed. version (07/17/2002))
The Circle's elven member, my fellow companion Formentera Alenuath (Word 7, zipped)
Formi's Loyal Friend, Circle's catshee: Tigerclaw (Updated to 3rd edition)
Lord Termit's Henchmen: Adelaine & Cristan
Termit's Scribe+Herald+Butler: Nein War(12/19/2001)
Zwi's Assistant: Wild Mage Maskar Wands Jr.
Our PARTY photos: 1
Links to other sites on the Web
Links to friends
My previous university - METU
My university - Stanford
Musical Pages of the Blue Hawk
METU Science Fiction & Fantasy Society
Bilkent Ballroom Dance Club
Stanford Ballroom Dance Club
Stanford Ballroom Dance Team
My country - Turkey
Wanna see a cool site -The World of Kadircan
© 1997-2002 Zwitterion Quanta aka. Erik
"Only a life lived for others is worth while." - A. Einstein
"Why not have fun along the way?" - Me.