#1 Auction ends on June 14, 1997(I apoligize for the change in date)
#2 e-mail bid to onslaught500@juno.com
#3 bids increases are minimum of $.10
#4 CB=Current Bid
#5 All bids start at $.10
#6 Winning bidder must pay handling charges(self addressed stamped envelope)


Hero Cards
CARNAGE CB=$.50 (Abe)
COLOSSUS CB=$.40 (Abe)
DEADPOOL CB=$.20 (atty)
DOCTOR DOOM CB=$.20 (atty)
DR. OCTOPUS CB=$.20 (atty)
RHINO CB=$.30 (WillM265)
SPIDER WOMAN CB=$.10 (darthraider)

Special Cards:
APOCALYPSE (Enhance Strength) CB=$.50 (Abe)
APOCALYPSE (Genetic Engineering) CB=$.25 (MKJDaimon)
APOCALYPSE (Shape Shift) CB=$.10 (atty)
BEAST (Animal Dexterity) CB=$.50 (opticus)
BEAST (Beastical Brawn) CB=$.30 (Abe)
BISHOP (Absorb Energy) CB=
BISHOP (Draw Enemy Fire) CB=
BISHOP (Xse Tactics) CB=
CABLE (Bionic Eye) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
CABLE (Bodyslide) CB=$.20 (Abe)
CARNAGE (Blade Hand) CB=$.30 (Abe)
CARNAGE (Climb) CB=$.10 (atty)
CARNAGE (Insane Rage) CB=$.10 (atty)
COLOSSUS (Fastball Special) CB=$.20 (Abe)
COLOSSUS (Skin Of Steel) CB=$.25 (MKJDaimon)
CYCLOPS (Fearless Leader) CB=$.10 (bentley)
CYCLOPS (Optic Obliteration) CB=
CYCLOPS (Visual Sweep) CB=$.10 (bentley)
DEADPOOL (Killing Machine) CB=$.10 (atty)
DEADPOOL (Regeneration) CB=$.10 (atty)
DEADPOOL (Super Spy) CB=$.10 (atty)
DOCTOR DOOM (Concussion Beam) CB=$.10 (atty)
DOCTOR DOOM (Energy Dampening Field) CB=$.10 (atty)
DOCTOR DOOM (Time Machine) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
DOCTOR OCTOPUS (Criminal Mastermind) CB=$.10 (atty)
DOCTOR OCTAPUS (Evasion Action) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
DOCTOR OCTOPUS (Multi-Armed Menance) CB=$.10 (atty)
ELEKTRA (Ninja Master) CB=$.20 (Abe)
ELEKTRA (Resurrection) CB=$1.00 (opticus)
ELEKTRA (Sai) CB=$1.00 (opticus)
GAMBIT (Charge Object) CB=
GAMBIT (52 Card Pickup) CB=
GAMBIT (Intercept Object) CB=
HOBGOBLIN (Pumpkin Bomb) CB=$.10 (atty)
HOBGOBLIN (Razor Bats) CB=$.10 (blake)
HUMAN TOURCH (Fire Storm) CB=$.10 (atty)
INVISIBLE WOMAN (Rorce Field) CB=$.10 (atty)
INVISIBLE WOMAN (Unseen Assilant) CB=$.10 (atty)
JEAN GRAY (Mental Deflection) CB=
JEAN GRAY (Mind Scan) CB=
JUBILEE (Distacting Burst) CB=$.10 (Abe)
JUBILEE (Fireworks) CB=
JUBILEE (Spectrum Tease) CB=
MR. FANTASTIC (Protect Teamate) CB=$.50 (opticus)
MR. FANTASTIC (Team Leader) CB=$.10 (atty)
MYSTIQUE (Infiltration) CB=$.10 (atty)
OMEGA RED (Carbonadium Coils) CB=$.25 (WillM265)
OMEGA RED (Drain Lifeforce) CB=$.30 (Abe)
OMEGA RED (KGB Training) CB=$.10 (WillM265)
OMEGA RED (Sacrificial Lamb) CB=$.10 (WillM265)
PROFFESOR X (Psychic Scan) CB=$.10 (Abe)
RHINO (Bowl Over) CB=$.10 (atty)
RHINO (Pinball Blow) CB=$.10 (atty)
RHINO (Rhino Charge) CB=$.10 (atty)
RHINO (Rhino Hide) CB=
RHINO (Romp N' Stomp) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
ROGUE (Intercept Attack) CB=
ROGUE (Power Tranfer) CB=
ROGUE (Sky Soar) CB=
SABRETOOTH (Bloodlust) CB=$.10 (blake)
SABRETOOTH (Danger Scent) CB=$.10 (bentley)
SABRETOOTH (Healing Factor) CB=$.10 (atty)
SPIDER-WOMAN (Arachnophobia) CB=$.25 (WillM265)
SPIDER-WOMAN (Spider Attack) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SPIDER-WOMAN (Spider Strength) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SPIDER-WOMAN (Web Lines) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
STORM (Chain Lightning) CB=
STORM (Flight) CB=
STORM (Hurricane Winds) CB=
THING (Temper Tantrum) CB=
THOR (Mystic Uru Metal) CB=
WAR MACHINE (Energy Shield) CB=
WAR MACHINE (Guided Missle) CB=
WAR MACHINE (Hidden Weapons) CB=
WOLVERINE (Fighting Instinct) CB=


Hero Cards
BLACK CAT CB=$.20 (bentley)
SHE HULK CB=$.30 (darthraider)

Special Cards
BANSHEE (Interpol Training) CB=$.10 (bentley)
BANSHEE (Vocal Hypnosis) CB=$.25 (MKJDaimon)
DOCTOR DOOM (Expendable Alle) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
GHOST RIDER (Demon Chain) CB=$.50 (opticus)
GHOST RIDER (Fire And Brimstone) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
JUGGERNAUT (Ignore Blow) CB=$.10 (MKJDaimon)
LONGSHOT (Freedom Fighter) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
MANDARIN (Disintegrate) CB=$1.00 (opticus)
MANDARIN (Electromagenetic Shield) CB=$.10 (Abe)
MOJO (It's A Rap) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
MOJO (Spineless Plot) CB=$.40 (Abe)
MR. FANTASTIC (Object Bounce) CB=$.10 (MKJDaimon)
MR. SINISTER (Merciless Mutant) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
MYSTERIO (Mist And Mirrors) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
MYSTIQUE (Mistaken Identity) CB=$.40 (Abe)
SABRETOOTH (Rabid Beast) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
SCARLET SPIDER (New Warrior) CB=$.35 (darthraider)
SHE HULK (Power Proxy) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SILVER SABLE (Chia) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
SILVER SABLE (Katana) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SILVER SABLE (Leadership) CB=$.50 (opticus)
SILVER SABLE (One With The Sword) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
STORM (Wheather Manipulation) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
STRONG GUY (Kingpin Absorption) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
STRONG GUY (Knuckle Sandwhich) CB=$.20 (darthraider)
WAR MACHINE (Shield Teammate) CB=$.10 (darthraider)


Hero Cards
BLACK WIDOW CB=$.10 (bentley)
DOC SAMSON CB=$.35 (bentley)
MORPH CB=$.20 (Abe)
NIGHTCRAWLER CB=$.40 (bentley)
SENTINELS CB=$.30 (bentley)
VISION CB=$1.40 (Abe)

Special Cards
BLACK WIDOW (Defense Tactics) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
BLACK WIDOW (Espionage) CB=$.10 (atty)
BLACK WIDOW (Widow's Bite) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
BLACK WIDOW (Widow's Line) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
BROOD (Bony Exoskeleton) CB=$.10 (atty)
BROOD (Insectoid Inursion) CB=
BROOD (Overwhealm) CB=
DOC SAMSON (Analytical Assault) CB=$.10 (Abe)
DOC SAMSON (Gamma Muscle) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
DOC SAMSON (Power Punch) CB=$.10 (atty)
DOC SAMSON (Theroretical Treatment) CB=$.10 (atty)
HAWKEYE (Pinball Accuracy) CB=$.10 (atty)
HAWKEYE (Triple Shot) CB=$.10 (atty)
MORIBUS (Living Vampire) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
MORIBUS (Savage Combat) CB=
MORIBUS (Supernatural Strength) CB=$.10 (atty)
MORIBUS (Undead Stamina) CB=$.10 (atty)
MORPH (Amazing X-Man) CB=
MORPH (Changeling) CB=$.20 (darthradier)
MORPH (Copy Teammate) CB=$.10 (Abe)
MORPH (One Big Fasy) CB=$.10 (atty)
NIGHTCRAWLER (Prehensile Tail) CB=
NIGHTCRAWLER (Swashbuckler) CB=$.10 (atty)
QUICKSILVER (Agile Avenger) CB=
QUICKSILVER (Hit And Run) CB=$.10 (atty)
QUICKSILVER (Mutant Momemtum) CB=$.10 (atty)
SENTINELS (Hunter/Killer) CB=$.10 (atty)
VISION (Analytical Expert) CB=$.30 (atty)
VISION (Double Density) CB=$.10 (atty)
VISION (Intangible Strike) CB=$1.20 (darthraider)
VISION (Optic Energy) CB=$.10 (atty)
VISION (Phase Form) CB=$.10 (atty)


Special Cards
BEAST (Ambidexiterity) CB=
BISHOP (Paramilitary) CB=$.10 (Abe)
BLACK CAT (Feline Fortune) CB=$.10 (bentley)
BLACK WIDOW (Kgb Intelligence) CB=
COLOSSUS (Mighty Metal) CB=$.10 (Abe)
COLOSSUS (Original Steel) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
CYCLOPS (X-Men Stragety) CB=$.10 (bentley)
DAREDEVIL (Radar Combat) CB=
DEADPOOL (Distracting Chatter) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
FORGE (Cybernetic Limbs) CB=$.10 (Abe)
FORGE (Footsoldier Training) CB=
FORGE (The Neutralizer) CB=
GAMBIT (Kinetic Detonation) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
GAMBIT (Sinister Connection) CB=
GHOST RIDER (Skeletal Summomning) CB=$.10 (Abe)
HAWKEYE (Quiver Of Arrows) CB=$.10 (Abe)
HENRY PYM (Medical Knowledge) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
HENRY PYM (Yellowjacket) CB=
HOBGOBLIN (Cybernetic Upgrade) CB=$.10 (Abe)
HOBGOBLIN (Goblin Cache) CB=
HUMAN TOURCH (Fire Cage) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
IRON MAN (Stealth Armor) CB=
IRON MAN (Weapons Inventor) CB=$.10 (Abe)
JEAN GRAY (Psychic Soothing) CB=$.10 (Abe)
JUBILEE (Troublemaker) CB=$.10 (Abe)
JUGGERNAUT (Magic Helm) CB=$.10 (Abe)
KINGPIN (Unerworld Henchmen) CB=$.20 (Abe)
KINGPIN (Walking Stick) CB=
LONGSHOT (Fortune Accident) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
MORIBUS (Induce panic) CB=$.20 (Abe)
MORIBUS (Shadowy Escape) CB=
MORPH (Ridicuous Behavior) CB=$.10 (Abe)
MYSTIQUE (Fatal Marksman) CB=
MR. FANTASTIC (Inventive Genius) CB=
MR. FANTASTIC (Fantastic Mind) CB=$.20 (Abe)
NICK FURY (Howling Command) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
NICK FURY (Infinity Formula) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
NICK FURY (War Hero) CB=
NIGHTCRAWLER (Acrobatic Precision) CB=$.10 (Abe)
OMEGA RED (Twin Tentacles) CB=$.10 (blake)
PUNSIHER (Outwit) CB=$.10 (Abe)
RED SKULL (Dust Of Death) CB=$.20 (Abe)
RED SKULL (Mater Racist) CB=$.10 (WillM265)
RHINO (Animal Stamina) CB=$.10 (bentley)
ROGUE (Combination Punch) CB=$.10 (bentley)
ROGUE (Southern Belle) CB=$.25 (bentley)
SABRETOOTH (Dangerous Mind) CB=$.10 (bentley)
SABRETOOTH (Government Operative) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SCARLET SPIDER (Clonal Confusion) CB=$.30 (darthraider)
SENTINELS (Mutant Contermeasures) CB=
SHADOWCAT (Computer Genius) CB=$1.00 (lindadunn)
SHADOWCAT (Ghostly Phase) CB=$1.00 (lindadunn)
SHADOWCAT (Soulsword) CB=$1.00 (lindadunn)
SHE HULK (Brains & Brawn) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SHE HULK (Public Defender) CB=$.20 (Abe)
SHE HULK (Cautious Advisor) CB=$.30 (Abe)
SILVER SABLE (Sandman) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
SPIDER-MAN (Colonal Confusion) CB=
SPIDER-MAN (Scince Whiz) CB=$.10 (Abe)
STORM (Morlock Combat) CB=
STORM (X-Man Leader) CB=$.10 (Abe)
SUPER SKRULL (Alien Methods) CB=$.10 (Abe)
SUPER SCRULL (Fantastic Enemy) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
THING (Bucket O' Shame) CB=$.10 (Abe)
THOR (Gift Of The Gods) CB=$.10 (bentley)
VENOM (Eddie Brock: Reporter) CB=$.10 (Abe)
WHITE QUEEN (Cold-Hearted Enemy) CB=$.10 (Abe)
WHITE QUEEN (Hellfire Leader) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
WHITE QUEEN (Mutant Headmistress) CB=$.10 (darthraider)
WOLVERINE (Savage Regression) CB=$.30 (Abe)

E-Mail bids to onslaught500@juno.com
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