Prof Crash’s Cyber Home

Welcome to my cyber home. Kick back, grab a beverage of your
choice from the fridge and relax. There are several floors my
home, and I always seem to be adding on, so take the time to
Last updated: Just for Linda. There are some new links in the Attic. :-) 8/14/98
The Bulletin Boards I post on have moved!!! Come to Sci Fi Sites and check out the new digs.
The main rooms of the house are self explanitory. Grab a beer
from the fridge and go have a seat in the reading room or the
library and relax. If you are in the mood for some fun, go to
the rec room. You'll find plenty to entertain you there.
- Reading Room: Newspapers
and magazines for reading.
- The Library: a collection of links to my favorite
- The Art Gallery: Info on some of my favorite artists.
- The Brewery: A collection of
my favorite beer links.
- The Rec Room: Links to my favorite comic books,
Monty Python, and sports pages
- The Attic: Where else would I hide links to my family and friends homepages?
Picture Pages
For info on Learning Disabilites check here
Let me introduce you to my favorite TV show and my most recent
obsession, Babylon 5. The following are links to some great
B5 websights, my friends B5 pages, and my take on the show and the
characters. Nothing here is meant to be canon and rememebr that all
the images, sounds(which I don't have but...), and characters are
copyrighted by Warner Brothers, Babylonian Productions, and JMS.
The Characters: My take on the characters.
I think JMS and many others would have a different opinion but
who cares, this is my page.
The Story Arc: Where are we and how the
heck did we get here?
Important Events: An attempt to explain some of the
more important happenings on B5.
Lost Oppertunities: How many chances
has JMS had to kill of Sheridan?
Hallways: Links to my B5 buds homepages
Favorite Topics: Some of the old topics from the boards I have posted at. Some warped discussions.
Alternate Realities: Links to
some of the better B5 web sites. If you are looking for info, this
is the place to check.
This House of Babylon site is owned by Prof Crash
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