Welcome to Dodo's Homepage

A Glimpse at the life of Dodo

Welcome to my homepage. For all my friends, I wanted to introduce you to my family.

This is my biggest boy,Dodo Jr.

Here are the nestlings at play.

Here's the little woman. She loves them birds.

Geez, someone asked for personal information. What do I do when I'm not chatting? Not a hell of a lot. I chat too much, as anyone can tell.

I recently moved to Atlanta, Georgia from Chicago. Turns out that I'm a Southern Man. I certainly enjoy my grits and fried okra. I cook a lot of other things, of course. I also joined the Zoological Society here in Atlanta. I am thrilled with Atlanta and the South. So, I also joined the Botanical Garden, Historical Society, State Parks, Stone Mountain and the Herpetological Society. Geez, does all that sound dull, or what??? I have also just planted crops. Parsley, sage rosemary and thyme in a window box...dull and corny!! I enjoy the great outdoors. Seems there's a lot more outdoors down South. I like to camp, hike, climb, watch birds, plants and just sit. (I'm old enough to be your father, if not chronologically, then attitudinally.) I like to read, outside is best. I own a kaleidoscope for leisure viewing. I am also an avid crossword and anagram puzzler.

We have a couple of pets. A White's Tree Frog and a Leopard Gecko. It is so fun to watch the nestlings and the herps fighting for bugs.

Links to other sites on the Web

iceskate's home page
Delectable Dodos
Kimchi's Lair
Lovena's Iceskating Page

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