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Let me introduce myself, my name is Kai, and I'll be your host today. As you will see, I not only take a serious look into the whole Alien, Government Conspiracy thing, but I also take a somewhat lighter view of it all as well.

I've been a fan of UFO's, Parapsychology, Cryptozoology, the Paranormal, and other such related material for as long as I can remember. In my years of study, fascination, or however you would clasify it, I've come across many stories that have a factual basis behind them, and even more that don't. This is what gave me some of the ideas for what you'll see here. Make no mistake about it, even though I may have a somewhat comical view of certain things, I am very serious in my thirst to learn more, and discover what's really out there, and in many cases, what's already here!

So sit back and enjoy my little corner of the web, and remember, comments and suggestions are always welcome. So if you have anything you'd like to have posted, or if you have some constructive criticism, corrections to any of the information that I have, or even if you have some pictures of various things such as UFO's, Alien's, or even the Men In Black (those crafty little turds of the night), then don't hesitate to drop me some e-mail.

This site also has the approval of one of the most powerful and influential men in our history. Click HERE for more details on this.

...and away we go!!!

Spot light

Your's truely, has been able to get an extremely rare interview with an alien guest of our planet who is living out at the super secret facility known as Area 51. For the first time, anywhere on the web, this interview is brought to you. Our guest, Throckmorton, will continually keep in contact with me to give me updates on his life here. So if you're interested in learning what an alien thinks of our planet and our customs, please check back as future interviews are planned.
Interview 1 / Interview 2

Last updated on 6/20/00.

In 1943, the Government conducted an expieriment in stealth technology. The results of this expieriment are both intriguing and disturbing. Learn more about the Philadelphia Expieriment and what the results were.

Man In Black

In the October 1953 issue of "Space Review", the editor, Albert K. Bender, placed an announcement stating that he had come across information that would solve the flying saucer mystery, but could not print it because he was ordered not to. he then ended the announcement warning others to be very cautious, and then he stopped publication all together. Later in an interview, he stated that he had been visited by three men wearing dark suits. Here is a brief history of the famed Men In Black, and how they may have actually been around for centuries.

This extremely rare photograph of an alleged MIB was taken by UFO investigators Tim Beckley and Jim Moseley and appears in Beckley's book, The UFO Silencers. This MIB was harassing and surveiling another UFO investigator, John J. Robinson, during the late 1960s.


To help load this page quicker, I've put all my links on a seperate page. Please visit my Links Page for links to other places of interest. If you notice any broken links, please let me know as I usually don't check them on a regular basis.

...And let's not forget the dreaded Awards Page. This site boasts the largest collection of awards that you'll find anywhere on the web!! There are so many infact, that I've had to give them a page all to themselves. (This may take a moment or two to load.)

Be on the look out for my own brand of "strange and unusual" pictures that I've taken myself. I've done some expierimenting with night photography, so I'll post some as soon as I am able to.

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page as a Starting Point Hot Site.

GraphX Kingdom Select Site Award Site Design Winner! The Bouncey Smiley Web Site Awards!

Mail Gif If you have any comments, suggestions, or pictures you'd like to see posted, feel free to send me some E-Mail.

And after all that, don't forget to thank the creator of this page by clicking on Barney...

Last updated on 11/6/01

Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. Kai-T Web Creations.

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