U.S. Bald Eagle's Web Site
- I have been using Mozilla Firefox for a over two months now and I have fallen in love with this browser. I now only use Internet Explorer for my online college because the virtual classroom does not support Firefox. I would strongly recommend anyone who is tired of IE from crashing all the time to download and try Firefox. It is available from Mozilla's website, Mozilla.org. It will automatically tell you when you need additional technology like Java, Flash, or Shockwave for any website. Then it will automatically download and install this required software for you without taking you away from the website you are currently on.
- Tribute to America Page
Virus Protection Links:
Helpful Information:
- Google Search on Antivirus Programs
- AVG Antivirus - The AV Program I personally use. Offers commercial and free version. Please just remember that any antivirus program requires files called signature files, which tells the program what viruses it can find and kill.
UPDATE: AVG released a new Free version in Decmember 2004 and will stop all support for version 6.0 as of Feburary 15, 2005. The new program has been greatly improved with updating and scanning features. It now checks daily for new updates at the specificed time in the settings. There is even an option for checking for updates next them an Internet connection is made if there is none present when the designated hour comes by for it to check for updates.
- Windows Update Web Page - Location where Microsoft releases any important Security or Critical Updates when a problem is found in a Microsoft Product.
NOTICE: Internet Explorer 6 does not come with Java. All you have to do is go to Sun Microsystems Java website and install it.
Microsoft has release a beta version of spyware removal software. Never install beta version of software unless you are part of a testing program. Beta software is very unpredicable in relation to stability and functionality on each system it is installed upon. There is no way to know what holes, bug, or flaws are in this software and what it could do to your system. I suggest taking great care before considering installing this on your own system.
Windows XP Service Pack 2: I personally have refused to install this on my own system until at least one year or one and a half years after its release to make sure any bugs are not. I also do not like many of the new features it adds to Windows XP and Internet Explorer once installed.
- Antivirus Website - Offers Downloadable free utility for removing new worms and viruses along with award winning AV Software and products.
I would greatly recommend anyone to use the free virus scanning this company provides via the Internet. The service is called Housecall.

Links that might help:
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors of War - Find out if something you got in e-mail or heard about is true or not. Like the faces I have on this same page. NOTICE: I DO NOT KNOW HOW RELIABLE AND SCIENTIFIC THE FINDINGS ARE ON THIS WEBSITE!

Here are some links to some of my friends own websites:
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Created by U.S. Bald Eagle on 04/18/97
Last modified on 01/27/2005

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