Welcome to Hot Rod's Homepage, the BEST
Hot Rod / Rodimus Prime shrine on the internet today, we
have been around since 1995 bringing you tons of pictures
and information on everyone's favorite Autobot hot head.
Enjoy your stay. ^_^ -
NEWS AND UPDATES (Last 10/25/2002)
Sorry for
the lack of updates. REALLY BUSY!!! I plan to get the
reviews of all the PVCs and Chrono Q Rodimus, Hot Shot (Armada
Hot Rod) up soon. In the meantime enjoy the webmaster
section ^_^ If you don't go insane!!!! HAHAHAH...... *cough*
Sorry for
the lack of updates, it's been a busy 5 months, don't
worry I will have tons of pictures, scans and other stuff
Hot Rod related including all those pvc pics and the Hot
Rodimus repaints also some new Hot Rod related toys from
japanese that I recently found ^_^ RARE =). (06/23/2001)
of the Hot Rodimus (Well Rodimus Convoy) PVC figure is
out!!! The
box looks amazing with a picture of Rodimus with
Galvatron on the
back and what seems to be a Matrix accessory that
comes with the toy shown on the
side of the box. Shown here is the
other PVCs in the second series and in the back the clear
version of the Rodimus Convoy PVC too. COOL! (01/09/2001)
New Hot
Rodimus re-release re-paint testshots out!!! Looks like
there will be a Clear Version and a Dark Hot Rod version
(A Dececticon Hot Rod!! FINALLY!) I only have one PICTURE
but will try to get more. More on this story as it
develops. (01/06/2001)
A picture
of the Re-release of the Hot Rodimus (Hot Rod)
transformer toy's box and box art have been found, just
click right HERE
to check it out. Also shown is the Ultra Magnus version
too. Still seen in the photos are the toy test shots. (11/05/2000)
Big News!!
The pictures for the test shots (prototypes) of the Hot
Rodimus (Hot Rod) rerelease by Takara are out and you can
see them here. Of course where else would you go if you
wanted to see Hot Rod related stuff first ^_^ Here ya go Picture
1 is the test shots of Hot Rodimus (blue) with Ultra
Magnus (test shot also) on the left is the Super Fire
Convoy and God Magnus toy pics. Picture
2 is just the size differences between the test shots
of Hot Rodimus and Ultra Magnus (notice the Optimus Prime
cab) (10/29/2000)
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