Please note that the address no longer works. - Robert Smith?
The May-August 2002 Quotefile (guest editor: Auntie Krizu)
The January-May 2002 Quotefile (guest editor: Auntie Krizu)
The October through January 2002 Quotefile (guest
editor: Finn Clark)
The August-September 2001 Quotefile (guest editor: Chris Rednour)
The June-July 2001 Quotefile (guest editor: Chris Rednour)
The Mar-Apr-Most of May 2001 Quotefile (guest editor: Gordon Dempster)
The Dec-Jan 2001 Quotefile (guest editor: Dr. Terry Evil)
The Oct-Nov 2000 Quotefile (guest editor: Keith Brookes)
The Sep-Oct 2000 Quotefile (guest editor: Keith Brookes)
The July-Aug 2000 Quotefile (guest editor: Ed Jefferson)
The June-July 2000 Quotefile (guest editor: Ed Jefferson)
The February-March 2000 Quotefile
The December/January 2000 Quotefile
The November/December 1999 Quotefile (guest editor: Dr Evil)
The August/September/October bumper 1999 Quotefile
The July-Aug 1999 Quotefile (guest editor: Dr Evil).
The April/May 1999 Quotefile (guest editor: Dr Evil).
The February/March 1999 Quotefile.
The December/January 1999 Quotefile.
The November/December 1998 Quotefile.
The September/October 1998 Quotefile.
The August/September 1998 Quotefile.
The July/August 1998 Quotefile.
The March/April 1998 Quotefile.
The February/March 1998 Quotefile.
The December/January 1998 Quotefile.
The November/December 1997 Quotefile.
The October/November 1997 Quotefile.
The September/October 1997 Quotefile.
The July/August 1997 Quotefile.
The March/April 1997 Quotefile.
The February/March 1997 Quotefile.
The January/February 1997 Quotefile.
The December/January 1997 Quotes.
The September/October 1996 Quotefile.
The February/March 1996 Quotefile.
The December/January 1996 Quotefile
The October/November 1995 Quotefile.
The September/October 1995 Quotefile.
The August/September 1995 Quotefile.
The July/August 1995 Quotefile.
The Original Quotefile (July 1994 through to June 1995)
This is something very special. The March-September 1996 Quotefile: once thought lost forever, it is now brought to you, courtesy of Dejanews.
The October/November 1996 Quotefile.
The December/January 1997 Quotefile.
The February/March 1997 Quotefile.
The April/May/June 1997 Quotefile.
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Dan McGrath's rec.arts.drwho quote collection
The Dave Yadallee Strange Quotes File
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